Jan 28, 2009 03:14
I'm sick of the Democrats. We have a great president, and huge majorities in Congress - nearly veto-proof in the Senate. Now we're compromising on the economic stimulus? Ditching the family planning portion? Because public funding of contraceptives is somehow a far-left liberal position?
No, it's not! I know for a FACT that moderate-to-conservative people are happy with public funding of contraception - not abortion (and the "moderates in this country don't necessarily support public funding of abortion, and that is a problem, but we can deal with that later), but CONTRACEPTION. Only the utter wingnuts don't want public funding for contraception! This is idiotic! The fact that we're even talking about this is stupid as fuck. Obama's bailout plan is a good idea - maybe it doesn't even go far enough. The Republicans want to blow up the whole fucking thing because of CONDOMS, people. What a bunch of douchebags.
Any and all friends of mine who ever even consider voting Republican, remember that this is the party you're planning to support! Arguably idiotic on foreign policy (and I'm happy to talk foreign policy; at least some right-wingers are sane on that front, and conversely some left-wingers are braying morons on this topic), the G.O.P. is DOMESTICALLY COMPLETELY INCAPABLE OF DOING ONE THING RIGHT FOR THIS COUNTRY.
Completely incapable.
So, I'm sick of the Democrats. They - "we" - won, and won big. And we're even HAVING this conversation? This is why people hate the Dems. This is why the G.O.P. is gonna be back in power sooner than later. What a bunch of weaklings.
That is all.
Steelers 27, Cardinals 10.
Fantasy Novel Alternate Title For This Entry:
"Five Hundred and Elven."