
Dec 03, 2006 12:47

I talked to a computer tech named "Kevin" today. Funny, though, when "Kevin" took control of my compy, it said he was "Karthik". Hmmmmmm. Anyway, "Kevin" couldn't find out what as wrong with my DVD drive, so the maintenance tech will call tomorrow, and try again, only to fail, and end up sending me a new drive. And the new drive should be here before I leave, hopefully. So fingers crossed that this all plays out smoothly, and i get a totally working compy to take to Iraq!

I've got soooo much packing to do before I leave! And because I don't really want to go, I' putting it off til the very last minute. :P Take that Army! But I do need to find out if we're getting footlockers provided for us, or if we have to buy them and pay for them to be shipped. When the rest of our unit left, this was all taken care of for them. Sometimes being a straggler sucks. But i need a footlocker, because that's where I get to store all my personal belongings, like books/dictionaries, and compy, and all the knitting projects Tree is threatening to send me! :) I will be the most fashionably knitted soldier in Iraq! In some respects, I'm looking forward to going to Iraq and having tedious amounts of free time, so I can get some good practice time in for knitting, and Arabic, too I suppose. Not to mention plenty of time to be a moderator on SoldierVoices.net. (I got promoted!) I just wish it wasn't for a year. But if I get some R&R time off, I'm trying to talk Geoff into meeting me in Europe. He thinks the plane tickets will cost too much, but I think it could be managed. If not, I might have to go to Europe without him!! So there! :)
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