Nov 21, 2008 13:15
Not exactly happy with this one...but the points not to be happy but to keep writing right? Challenge brought to you by Duelingred.
Somewhere else
Rain wipes the streets clean daily
while a Buddhist man sit on the edge
of the side walk waiting
Nirvana to pass by.
He is an old man, a calm man,
who has seen many things,
wrinkles cover his tanned face
like a map of star constellations
but his eyes are always warm.
Jakarta is not a kind city for him
but he is kind to it, he picks up
the trash that skitters by him
and compliments a woman
who’s face is tattooed with shame.
His gentleness makes her smile.
His kindness makes her cry.
She kisses the crown
of his bald head and he dies.
Sidenote.....3 day weekend! woooh!