
Nov 23, 2014 11:55

I have been up since the wee hours (3 or 4 am?). While paying bills, I discovered my free Nook subscription to Real Simple had expired and I was now being charged for it. While on the Barnes & Noble site, I remembered I was interested in the Nook Samsung Galaxy Tab, because the micro USB plug on the cord for my ancient Nook Tablet broke (the prong? is extra long so regular micro USB plugs won't work with it), which reminded me I still need to find Internet access for my NC visits, which led to my researching various MiFi devices and plans, during which I spent much of that time waiting for my aging computer (2009) to process, which led me to throw my hands up and decide enough is enough. This weekend (yes, I'm hoping for cyber deals) I will purchase a new laptop and an iPad mini with cellular service.

Yes, I know Apples don't go on sale, but I can hope.

No, I'm not also getting the Nook Samsung Galaxy Tab.

Also, AT&T, Verizon et al. really hide their prepaid plans and once you find them, the really cheap intermittent plans are even further hidden. I'm going with AT&T's 1 GB at $25 for 3 months. (Try to find it. I dare you.)

PS. Turns out that all cheap MiFi, no matter what it is branded (Karma, TruConnect, T-Mobile), uses the Sprint network and I've already experienced more than enough of its "support". Seriously, not having service is better than having Sprint.

I wonder if I will have changed my mind after I get some sleep?

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