As most of you know, I just finished up my PhD and am getting ready to start a fabulous job at Texas A&M in the Fall. It's been crazy getting the dissertation finished and preparing for the move. But I have a couple nerdy academic things to share. First, I am officially published! One of my articles came out last month in Anthropological Quarterly. Available for download
here if you have a university subscription to the journal (I can email you a pdf if you can't get it)
Also, I just wrote a guest entry on higher education in the Gulf for the wonderful Global Higher Education blog. You can find that
here. I highly recommend this blog and find the writing and research to be excellent.
Since some of you are the wonderful "informants" that made this possible, I would love to hear your feedback, either here or privately.
All my thanks for everyone's support so far! I have a feeling posting will be on hold for a while, but hopefully, I'll have more to report once I get settled in Texas!