Got a bit ~bored after making my chocolate cake today (LOLOL mum was all "you cant cook!" because once i burnt a tea towel and i almost blew up the microwave, but i digress, it worked perfectly and looks NOMMY, but they dont want me to decorate it like a Lion because HP is ~immature or something, but I AM DOING IT and getting reeses pieces to put round the edge for gryffindor colouring) and
c_hrista's twitterverse is the MOST AMUSING THING atm, so I made mini-tags like this and this:
So yeah. you dont have to be a character, if youre watching and find yourself heartily amused feel free to also ask! Basically i would add them to my shop but i dont think enough people would ~get it, so im just offering them here instead. So yeah. Any character, any tweet, and of course your name and house if i dont know because i am a ~noob.
I know Im only lj friends with a few of the people involved in this, so if someone else wants to mention it somewhere or what not that would be cool. I like making people tags when im bored ^^ *has no life* So if you would like one or two or however many that is not like a ludicrous amount, drop me a comment (even though i'd probably make them all anyway XD)