Title: Your Addiction
Genre: romance, hurt/comfort
Rating: T
Word count: 336
Summary: Remus was worried. there was something wrong with Dora... she wa always shaking. rating for drug abuse. written for sick-atxxhearts handicap challenge
Remus was worried.
Tonks’ hair hadn’t been anything but brown in months. Of course he knew part of it was due to Sirius’ death, part was to his own foolishness at calling their relationship off, but there was something else too, he was sure.
She was always shaking.
Like she was always cold. Even though it was the end of summer. There had hardly been a breath of wind in the last week. And still she sat, shaking, with dark circles under her eyes, and mousy brown hair hanging in her eyes. How different could she get? What had happened to the vibrant, clumsy, pink haired witch he loved? He was determined to find out.
Little did he realize how bad her situation was.
How could he have known what lay on the other side of that door when he turned the handle? Right then, right there outside her flat, there was nothing to be afraid of. Until he saw what was on the other side.
Needles. Packets of white powder. A shaking Tonks sitting in the corner, tears rolling down her cheeks.
Remus paled. This couldn’t be what it looked like. It just couldn’t! There was no way…
There was a needle clenched in her fist.
Remus fell to his knees beside her. He couldn’t believe it. Dora. His Dora. Addicted and depressed. Addicted to muggle drugs.
“Dora…” he looked at her, tears welling up. This wasn’t right…
She looked up. “I…I…”
“Dora… honey…can you give me the needle? Please?” he held out his hand. She looked down at her own, blinking. Slowly, her fingers opened. He picked it up, taking a deep breath.
She threw her arms around him, sobbing. He wrapped his arms around her.
“Shh… its ok Dora… it’ll be ok.”
She nodded into his shoulder. “I’m… I’m sorry…I just…”
He kissed her cheek. “Don’t worry honey. It’ll all be ok. I promise.”
He threw the needle across the room.
A/N: written for sick-atxxheart’s handicap challenge- promts were addiction and depression. Comment!!