Mar 05, 2012 21:55
its all pretty and android which is nifty, but it really doesnt want to save contacts which is being a pain in the ass :( But my old phone, while shit is still perfectly capable so I can just use that every now and again if all else fails. its imported everyones FB stuff though so thats a lot less work to do :)
its an HTC wildfire S, if that means anything to anyone. Im just happy cause i went a little nuts in the app store and now have tumblr, lj, fb, goodreads and twitter hooked up, as well as all the HP books for cruising when bored lol XD I forsee this app being used a lot in lectures...
anyone know any other good (free) android apps I could download?
EDIT: Everyone who has a smartphone/android should get viber. its essentially free international texting/calling. And I only have one contact there which saddens me greatly. :(
rl: technology