Just one more day ♥

Nov 10, 2011 22:04

Final exams tomorrow!! Im not really as prepared as I should be- my own fault, procrastinating is too much fun- but i just want them over with. i covered 4 sections for classics and three for history (its 3 questions for each) so as long as the questions are right i should be fine. otherwise i shall have to bring in my english skills of bullshitting to the infinite degree.

Work party is dress up as your favourite character and Im so excited!! Either going as Tonks or the TARDIS, i havent decided yet. probably the TARDIS, just cause i've gone to a few things as Tonks. I have this really cute dress idea in my head; whether it will actually work is another story though! Not to mention i do kinda fail at sewing. I would wear my marauders map, but drinking etc etc might be a little easier with hands free haha.

Feel a little weird about everything- friends etc.- atm. I took that meyers-briggs personality test and got ISFJ. Looked it up and SHIT THIS IS ME ALL OVER. But one site was calling it the unapreciated servant or something lol. But seriously, it is creepy how much that is me. I am ALWAYS doing stuff for other people, buying things for other people, helping them out, destressing them. I do feel like a lot of my friends/ family dont appreciate all the stuff I do for them; family especially because i do the wrong thing- ill make dinner and study and get told off for not putting the washing out or something.
Also creeped me out when it said about having a really good memory; i remember people who were years older than me at primary school and then i see them again at high school and can remember their names and all this stuff and its been like 10 years.
IDK. it made me a little depressed saying how we "need to be needed" and how true that is for me, and how it really isnt happening in my life at the moment.

This is basically me thinking about anything that isnt my exam in less that 12 hours, lol.

rl: university, rl: work, rl: friends, meyers-briggs personality test, rl: family

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