50 questions...

Aug 31, 2005 18:42

I know, I know....that's a lot of questions!!

1.If you had to pay one dollar for every time you thought of sex in any form, how long would it be before you went bankrupt?
2.If just one aspect of your life functioned perfectly forever more, what would you pick?
3.If you discover that your three-year-old child is not the one you gave birth to and must have been swapped in the hospital, what would you do?
4.If you could have X-ray vision on one person you work with, who would you want it to be?
5.If you had to select the one thing in life you feel the guiltiest about, what would it be?
6.If you could rid the earth of one thing, what would it be?
7.If you could have the power to hypnotize anyone for a day, who would you pick and what would you have them do?
8.If you had to name the one thing that most frightens you about growing old, what would it be?
9.If you had to name the one most important ingredient of human beauty, what would you say it is?
10.If you had to name the time when you came closest to death, when would it have been?
11.If you could change one thing about your face to make it more beautiful, what would you alter?
12.If you could suddenly find out that one work of fiction was actually true, what book would you select?
13.If you were to have bells ring out loud automatically (for all to hear) every time you did a certain thing, what would it be?
14.If you could have a single button beside your bed that did one thing, what would you want it to do?
15.If you had a spot somewhere on your body that, when touched by anyone else, instantly gave you an orgasm, where would you want it to be?
16.If you were going to die in ten minutes and could confess only one thing in order to pass with peace of mind, what would you say?
17.If your children could read only four books while growing up, which would you have them read?
18.If you suddenly found the courage to do one thing you have always been afraid of doing, what you do?
19.If you had to name your greatest accomplishment so far in life, what would you say it was?
20.If you could stop loving someone, who would it be?
21.If you were to name the clearest proof that evil exists in the world, what would you say?
22.If you were to name the best “I told you so” you ever got to deliver, what was it?
23.If you could have been nicer to one person in your life, who would it be?
24.If you could go back for one minute to the Garden of Eden and give Adam advice, what would you say?
25.If you could free yourself from one burden in your life, what would it be?
26.If you had to name the most beautiful place on earth that you’ve ever visited, what would you choose?
27.If you had to name the single most important thing in your life, what would it be?
28.If you had to name the grossest thing you have ever put in your mouth, what would it be?
29.If you could have had more time together with someone you know, who would you want it to be with?
30.If you could have any single celebrity be your slave for one weekend, who would it be?
31.If you could be given the complete film library of the work of a single actor, who would you pick?
32.If you had to name a song whose lyrics best captured an experience you had, which would it be?
33.If you were to guess which of all the people you know platonically is the best in bed, who would you pick?
34.If you were offered a million dollars to sleep with someone of the same sex-or the opposite sex if you are gay-what would you do?
35.If you could pair up any two single people you know, who would you pick?
36.If you had to rely on one person you know in any difficult situation, who would you pick?
37.If you could ask your best friend one question you have never had the nerve to ask, what would it be?
38.If the United States had to sacrifice one state, which one would you give away?
39.If you could have the sense of humor of anyone you know, whose would it be?
40.If you had the gift of magic for one day, what would you do?
41.If you could wake up tomorrow in your own bed next to anyone, who would it be?
42.If you were to spend a week anywhere alone without contact with civilization, where would you go?
43.If you had to name the person with the sexiest phone voice, who would win?
44.If you could gain back all the hours you’ve spent in your life doing a certain thing, what would it be?
45.If you could have had any job in history, what would it have been?
46.If you started dating a woman or man and found out they had a sex change before you met them, what would you do?
47.If someone you have never slept with tells everyone ‘what a fantastic lover you are’, what would you do?
48.If you are at a party and your best friend’s boyfriend makes a pass at you, what do you do?
49.If your sister confesses to you that she has committed a murder that someone else is wrongly accused of, what would you do?
50.If you suspect your lover is faking orgasm, what would you do?
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