I have yet to find out what my place is in life, and where to find it. I have learned from my mistakes and know what I need to do, but I still keep all my fears
inside. My fear has blocked me from living for a long time. Even though
I have grown stronger, parts of me still hold back. My mind and soul
aches over the recurring thought that I will never be accepted. They
told me I was beautiful, intelligent, outgoing when I wanted to be,
kind, and had nothing that was to be made fun of. But yet you say I'm a
"fat whore" and I let you. Was it wrong of you to say this? Yes, but, I
in a way invited it. You know I am uncomfortable with my body and wish
so much that I could be skinny. This fear has held me back from living
my hopes and dreams and I shall overcome this. In order for me to go on
my path I must be content with myself. I know inside I have much to
offer to those who wish to see it. For my name Donoma means Visible
Sun. I shall shine and stop hiding...