Title: Filmi Dump
Artist: crazeekudi_88 aka the-sundance-kid/semeincement on dA
Characters: America, UK/England, Turkey and India (OC)
Rating: U/PG
Warnings:Genderbends, image heavy, and too much Bollywood
Summary: I still blame my mixed heritage and a lack of India...but i love them so.
Oh hello first time poster here but i regulary try and post stuff on the hetalia community.
So um Arthur had that fling with India y'know that fling after he was distraught over America telling him gtfo. Probably he had that fling (1600s when the East India Company were in India) waaay before he had America as a colony....meh the Empire is the Empire nothing you can't do about it but hey everything is all hey man i love you, you love me now lets get drunk and i will sing and dance with a whiskey bottle on me head.
I personally see India as a lady girl.
Despite the messy aftermath of Indias Independence India and Britain are now best friends and this here picture was filled for that meme y'know the ones with the kinks :/
http://the-sundance-kid.deviantart.com/art/Teri-Ore-127840962 and oh lol even genderbended love :T
http://the-sundance-kid.deviantart.com/art/Bonker-Love-146417497 Even in Bollywood films they show the British as villains so have two heros although hero and heroine would be more appropiate. Oh Hollywood...Oh Bollywood lol OTL. The 70s WHAT...i reffed the image of film poster but changed on of Als hands :T.
And what is this i do not compute this randomness but hey its Turkey that stills a bit of tweaking but i keep posting Arthur up here so have a random Turkey inspired from an old 80s Bollywood film orz
http://the-sundance-kid.deviantart.com/art/HAIII-HAIIII-D-146266185 RIGHT...NO MORE FOR NOW
As much as like designing them it will probably be while until theres an actual India nation but for now try and enjoy my interpretation.