Title: Yellow
Author: trishpawachunyu
Characters: OC!Philippines, Italy, Germany, China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, America, England, Canada. Cory Aquino appears too, as a ghost.
Rating: G
Warning: This is my long-overdue tribute to the late Former President. It's a bit longer than I expected...
"Don't worry about him. He's just a bit scared out of his mind, because I told him I saw your former boss' ghost." Title: Teacher
Author: trishpawachunyu
Characters: OC!Philippines, Korea, a mention of America
Rating: G
Warning: The shortness of this oneshot is astounding.
She was teaching him English. Title: Dinner
Author: trishpawachunyu
Characters: OC!Philippines, America, mentions of England
Rating: G
Warning: None in particular... but this is sort of like a sequel to "Balut".
America was terrified when the brunette nation suddenly appeared on his doorstep. I have more drafts of fanfics (8, to be exact) but typing is tiring, so I'll stop here...
(crossposted to hetalia_ph)