So, I've never been entirely satisfied with fandom's U.S. states. People typically make just one or two, but whenever an attempt is made to do the whole group, one of two things happen--either they never finish it or there are too many people with different styles working on the project, too the point where it becomes jarring. I have also never
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Back to Pennsylvania, not sure how into the modern day your characterization's going, but I'd say the -tan has to be mad for sports. Our two major cities Pittsburgh and Philadelphia both have traditions of being devoted to their teams. (Interestingly, our state capital of Harrisburg is not one of our major cities.) I don't know loads about Pittsburgh teams but Philly fans are insane about our teams.
Another thing for a modern-day Pennsylvania is a likely internal divide because of state politics. The urban centers tend to follow the cliche of the more liberal East Coast, while the middle of the state (which is pretty much entirely rural) tends to be much, much more conservative. A lot like the cliche of the Deep South, actually. And food, I think Pittsburgh has their stuff but if PA's in a Philly mood cheesesteaks and Tastykakes are a must. Birch beer, Dutch fries, sauerkraut for the PA Dutch side.
Germany will also have to explain this to Italy/whatever person you may ship him with. However, Prussia might be responsible for some of these kids instead of Germany.
Oh, believe me, my Pennsylvania will indeed by a sports fanatic.
It's interesting that you bring this up, as Pennsylvania is one of the states I'm splitting up. The region that covers northeast Ohio and western Pennsylvania, a.k.a the "Steel City Corridor" has tried to become its own state due to these state politics. I'm calling her Westsylvania; she and Pennsylvania aren't blood siblings, as she's France and Poland's eldest. I don't think I'll make a separate -tan for the middle of the state.
Oh, yes; Germany will certainly have some explaining to do, but Prussia is almost definitely responsible for a few of them. Arkansas and Missouri in particular seem to take after "Uncle Prussia" a bit too much.
Also, I made a huge-ass edit to the post. Your thoughts on the family trees?
I seem to vaguely recall hearing about that wish to divide. I'm assuming that West's land includes Pittsburgh, since Pittsburgh is nicknamed "the Steel City". Solves the issue of the Pittsburgh/Philly conflict. I don't think you need a separate tan for the middle of the state, just keep in mind that since both PA tans have some of the middle to their name, they might be conflicted in their worldviews from time to time. The two PAs may be semi-blood siblings going by your three-parent model, through their Native American parent. Also, can't speak so much for the west, but there's a lot of hex signs ( in the rural parts of Eastern PA. I would love you if that tan had a tattoo of one or otherwise represented them.
There is one tan I really have to call you out on - Hawaii. Hawaii isn't likely to be anyone's kid for a simple reason; Hawaii was a country of its own with a long history, a full-fledged government, etc. for a very long time before American-born (or American-descent) Hawaiian citizens overthrew the Queen, leading in the end to American annexation. The Hawaii-tan is probably still the same tan, since native Hawaiian is not an extinct ethnicity. It is a much-reduced one from what I know, but as long as people identify that way the tan will likely remain. If there is a new Hawaii-tan, he or she would almost certainly be the child of USA and the original Hawaii-tan.
I want to add that I vote for either Dakota as one tan who pretends to be two, or identical twin Dakotas who switch places constantly.
France and Scotland are the proud parents of the Maritime Canadian provinces; I didn't list them here because there aren't any states in their little brood. Yeah, it's definitely a headcanon issue. My Northern Ireland is actually England's cousin (as is Ireland) and has existed for longer as the Kingdom of Ulster; he has multiple personalities. The reason I chose him was because a lot of people from NC, SC, and TN identify as Scots-Irish, another word to describe people from what is now Northern Ireland.
You assume correctly. I will be sure to keep that in mind. You bring up an excellent point; I'll probably post multiple family trees after this is over showing relationships with Parents #1. Ooh, those look so cool! I'm fond of that Tree of Life hex.
I figured you were going to say that. Rest assured, I've been called out on it before. There are two Hawaiis--Native Hawaii and Hawaii State. Native Hawaii is Parent #1 of Hawaii State and is still very much alive. Alaska and Hawaii are the two states I mentioned that give equal significance to Parent #1, and both of them see Parent #1 much more than Parent #2 or #3 these days.
Yay, my idea has support! I do think I'm going to go with one Dakota just trolling everyone else into believing she's two states.
I knew Scotland had to be in there somewhere! :D That makes sense. Heh, yes, matters of the UK do tend to be headcanon. I've spent a lot of time developing my own UK family - Ireland as England's twin sister, with Cornwall, Wales, and Scotland as the older brothers and North and obviously Sealand as the little ones of the family. The Channel Islands, Isle of Mann, and Brittany (France's sister, but a Celtic Nation) are their cousins. So it's my default, and it takes me a few minutes to adjust my mind to someone else's headcanon. But with that explanation for North Ireland, I definitely see how that works and it makes sense. I've heard the Ulster theory before as well, so there's obviously a basis for it.
If you want any insight into Philly for East PA, let me know. I'm a local anyway - well, for the past eleven years - and I go to college in Philly. So I can help. :) Hex signs are lovely, aren't they? I spent my first ten years seeing them everywhere. I'm a bit of a PA microcosm; Irish and Italian from my Philly mother and English and PA dutch from my rural father, from a county right in PA Dutch country. I've grown up in both places, too, over time.
Having two Hawaiis works quite well. Alaska's Parent #1 is Inuit-tan, I'm guessing? I don't know that I would have wanted to be Alaska during the Cold War, I've just got to say that.
There should be someone who knows there's only one Dakota - jokes are always better when someone's in on it.
Yep! :) That's interesting! In my headcanon, there were three of Mama Celt's children living in what is now the British Isles--"Grandpa" Rome called them Caledonia, Britannia, and Hibernia. Caledonia had no children; Britannia had Wales and Cornwall, with "Grandpa" Rome she had North England, Midlands, and England; and Hibernia had Scotland, Northern Ireland (Ulster), Ireland (Meath), Leinster, Munster, and Connacht. Still haven't decided who had Mann, but Brittany is the child of France and Cornwall and the Channel Islands are Normandy's children. Sealand is England's son.
That would be most helpful, thank you! :) That's really interesting!
Yes, indeed. Oh, believe me, you definitely wouldn't have wanted it. He didn't see Russia at all for about fifty years or so, and America made a point of calling him by the English versions of his nicknames instead of the Russian ones, "encouraging" American sports and cuisine, things like that. It was not fun.
I'm thinking it'll be Minnesota and Superior (Upper Peninsula of Michigan).
Heh, my Sealand and North Ireland wonder if they're actually England's and England and Ireland's kids - England and Ireland are called twins because they're the same physical age and the older three found them at the same time. They may not actually be twins, no one knows. Just like they know Britannia's their mother, but any fathers are a mystery.
Well, if you have any specific questions I'll do my best to answer them.
Poor Alaska... *pats him on the head* No wonder he's closer to Inuit. I would be too!
Also, you're lucky. You can draw your state-tans. I can't even draw a stick figure, so my UK OCs are written-form-only.
That's neat!
Okay! Well, aside from the stereotypical portrayal of Philadelphia residents, are there any characteristics the Pennsylvania-tan should have? Also, since the profiles will be fairly basic, I might be pestering you later on for more in-depth stuff. As a bonus, you suggest things for me to draw/write!
Poor, poor Alaska. He's been going on outings with both Russia and America separately as well as together. Sometimes things turn out alright, other times...Yeah, he feels so much second-hand embarrassment thanks to these two.
Aw, thanks! One annoying thing, though, is I don't like drawing with tablets; they take much longer and my drawings always look better when drawn with pencil and paper anyway. Have you thought about commissioning someone?
Hmm. Offhand it's rather difficult to think of anything, but if you have any specific questions about stereotypes you've heard and such, I can help there. What Philly stereotypes are you thinking of?
I've thought about commissions, but as a college student with limited money, it didn't seem wise.
The stereotype I hear the most about Philadelphia is the association with rabid sports fans; I'm having a hard time finding any other modern stereotypes that aren't related to the Amish. For Pittsburgh, I've heard that this is where the "stupid Polish person" stereotype originated.
Yeah, it doesn't. I've had many a time where I wanted to commission someone and opened my wallet only to find moths flying out of it. :/
Also, I know I said I'd have these up on the last day of every month? Yeeeaaah, I got bogged down with schoolwork; I should have them up this weekend, since we seem to be in the path of a blizzard.
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