Title: In The Days of Auld Lang Syne
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Rating: PG-13
Characters: England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, Northern Ireland, Hong Kong, Canada, Prussia, Sealand, Kugelmugel, Brittany, Austria, Portugal, America, China, Russia, Latvia, Liechtenstein (not all in this chapter)
Pairings: America/Portugal, England/America/Portugal, Ireland/India, Austria/Wales, France/Scotland, Cornwall/Brittany, Canada/Prussia, and other pairings yet to be revealed
Summary: New Year's resolutions lead to so much more. Some are seeking answers or absolution, some are making confessions, and others are just trying to help. For the British-Celtic family and those tied to them, 2012 will be a very important year.
Chapter Summary: Resolutions are made, but no one knows just how momentous they will turn out to be.
Disclaimer: Untitled belongs to Simple Plan, Hetalia to Hidekaz Himaruya. All OCs are mine, however. Title and cut text from Daughtry's All These Lives, and so also not mine.
A/N: So, this story will, hopefully, be twelve chapters, not counting the prologue and epilogue, which will of course be New Year's 2012. I think the last chapter will be set around Christmas. But basically, the idea is a chapter for each month of the year, as the various resolutions lead to hijinks and hopefully, people getting their acts together. It should be interesting, I hope. (Even I don't know how all of it will go; I've got some plans but characters tend to hijack my stories, so we'll see how it plays out together.)
"So, have you made any New Year's resolutions?"