Title: Asking Why This World Can Be So Cold
Rating: PG-13
Characters: England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, Northern Ireland, Hong Kong, Canada, and Sealand; references to France, Brittany, America, China, Japan, the Nordics, India, and Austria
Pairings: Implied and possibly one-sided America/England, Ireland/India, and Austria/Wales; referenced France/Scotland and Cornwall/Brittany
Summary: All of them are broken, in their own ways, but it all comes back to each other in the end, back to shattered family bonds that they don't know how to fix.
Disclaimer: Untitled belongs to Simple Plan, Hetalia to Hidekaz Himaruya. All OCs are mine, however. Title and cut text from Daughtry's All These Lives, and so also not mine.
A/N: I don't know why my fics are all so sad! Hoping to come up with a less depressing one next!
Broken homes from separation/Don't you know it's violation? (Er, not to be rude, but out of curiosity, why no Canada tag? D: )