Participants: Admin Division!!!
Can people just hop in?: If you're in admin, YES PLEASE! Otherwise, no.
Where: Elizaveta and Isabella's apartment
When: A bit backdated, when Isabella first moves in, a week after
this old logWhat: Celebrating being roommates!
In response to thisSummary: Lizzy and Bell-Bell decide that, in order to get Admin a little more social with one another, they should have a party. And what better occasion than to combine it with a "house warming" party for Isabella? even if she's just moving in with Elizaveta
Elizaveta was fidgeting slightly as she stood in the kitchen, staring down at the assortment of snacks she was arranging onto a platter. Organizing events always made her a little jittery, even if it was just a small gathering with coworkers for a slightly unrelated work issue. Constantly wondering "will they come? They'll come right? I wonder who will come...."--it had even reached the point that she almost burnt a batch of the snacks.
She looked over her shoulder and made a small sound in thought. Together with Isabella, they had managed to tidy up the apartment enough (not that her new roommate arrived with much, but they were rearranging some of the furniture and planning on things they might need all up until they realised they needed to get ready), though the bedroom was still a bit of a mess. She let out a sigh and shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Hopefully.... people will have fun. Even if it was just getting together for drinks and talking.