(no subject)

Mar 29, 2011 12:52

care of our sweden

To better understand the roleplay system that Nation Tweet is applying, this post is meant to do just that! Simple enough, though our roleplay works like other Twitter RPs, ours is a little bit different and somewhat distinguished. If you look around, however, you can find that this is a newly applied roleplay system in several RPs and this post will be outlining the basic keywords and how they are used.

▊ IA (In Action)

In Action is basically a keyword to indicate an event that is happening real-time or when you are having a face-to-face conversation with someone not through any communication means. For example, if Iceland and Denmark are both in the same room while drinking a bottle of beer, then their tweets will look something like this:

@puffinprince (IA:) Hey, Iceland, pass me up another bottle would you?

As illustrated above, because both Denmark and Iceland are in the same room and having a face-to-face conversation this type of situation would then be marked as (IA:) because the events are happening real time and the characters are not speaking to each other through long distances.

▊ DM (Direct Message)

Direct Message would be a normal keyword to indicate tweets that are directed to a certain person. For example, when Iceland and Denmark are both in their respective houses, Denmark wants to inform Iceland that he will be coming over in a couple of minutes. Thus, the tweet should look like this:

@puffinprince (DM:) Iceland, I'm coming over to your house. Be there in five.

Because both persons are separated by long distances and also the fact that there are no events happening in real time, the tweets can then be classified as (DM:)s.
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