[mod-post] Rule remiiiinder

Dec 14, 2009 19:42

Ahh it's time for just a brief friendly reminder!
It seems lately it's been brought to our attention that a lot of questions are getting flooded by Non-nations about.. non Hetalia related things.

Now a little here or there, sure we don't mind but when you ask a question DIRECTLY to non-nations (while you yourself is a non-nation asking this) that kiiinda goes over that little red line we like to keep clear. If you have non hetalia related questions you want to ask your non-nation peers feel free to ask elsewhere like the main hetalia community.

So to refresh the certain rules that have been bent lately here they are;

• Keep on topic
It's okay to ask things like: "There is a weird guy stalking me! What do you think I should do, Latvia? Question only for Latvia." or "Is Ivan fat or are his clothes just fluffy? Question for all Nations." But this isn't a place to go on about your lives.

• Keep it Hetalia related
Or else.

• If you are not an accepted nation-tan, please do not answer as one.
As much as we love response. It just makes it easier and less confusing for Nation-tan.

• No threads between non-nations
This means you can not comment to a comment made by a non-nation. As the exception, the head of the thread (person asking the question) can reply once to you if the question is open to the public, but no more. If you both would like to go in depth take it to PM.

Now this is just a reminder- so please do keep it in mind, this is a busy time of year and me and Prussia mod don't want to have to take more time out of Real lives outside LJ which are pretty hectic right now to go around and weed out every post that breaks the rules. Please keep this in mind!

And now I return you back to your regularly scheduled Questions. o7

Er PS.Chibitalia, HRE, Tibet, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Cameroon and Netherlands are all still open so send us some apps! 8>

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