who wants my shoes ?

Dec 11, 2010 20:57

I was at the mall today. I totally forgot that it was so close to X-mas and now I'm stressing. The dreaded presents.. When I saw the amount of people, I dont want to imagine what it's gonna be like in 10 days or so. I only see 2 solutions : either shop everything from the net or steal everything to avoid queuing :)))) Fuck X-mas..
I guess I'm a bit cranky because I didnt buy anything ;) Barely collected free magazines and sprayed myself with 2 different perfumes in a shop. One didnt hold at all, the other stank.
Took the grand tour of H&M. Marvelled at the pretty colours.. I saw one sweater who actually hurt the eyes if you look at it more than 1 minute.
I bought a top a few days ago and Im still wondering whether it looks ok or if its simply my eyes that are now accustomed to the 80s style. And If I will look at this picture in 10 years time and think : wtf were you thinking ? :D
I just had to get something colourful for a change, you can only own so and so many black/white/grey tops..

so.. picture of the pure acrylic shirt :P (cant believe I'm actually wearing something vaguely purple.. )

but anyway .. who wants my Daisy Duck shoes ? :P
I found them again, under my bed, I never wore them but I couldnt resist buying them when I saw them... (dont ask..)
They are a size 39 (it says something like 8 1/2 under, no clue if its uk or US size) and if any of my friends want them, I give them away.


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