meme, pictures, etc....

Dec 02, 2010 01:26

First the meme ! I have been quite busy and only tonight was I able to go throught friends pages..
here we go :

Spopococ's Unconventional FFVII survey
(Cause there’s too much KH and not enough FF)

1. Have you honestly ever thought of Cait Sith as a useful character?
NO !! but its cute I guess.

2. In a fight out of Cloud and Vincent, who would kick the most ass?
Vincent, cauz he can turn into Chaos ! And Chaos kicks ass :D

3. Rather be stuck in a room with Barret, or Cid?
Cid without a doubt. He is a smoker. He wouldnt mind if I smoked as well. Oh.. and he swears.. so do I. Cid is my soulmate :P

4. Aerith or Tifa?
Well.. AERITH !! Yes ! I like her. I like the way she dresses like she picked the first stuff she found in her closet. Not really pretty or sexy or anything. Just "I dont give a shit". I like also that otherwordly something about her..
Tifa bores me a bit to be honest..

5. Yuffie or Elena?
Elena I think. She looks more quiet and she is extremely pretty ;)

6. Cait Sith or Kunsel?


7. Reeve or Rude?
Rude !! He is .. relaxing ! :D

11. Standard question: favourite pairing?

Renzoo .. or Lozoo.

12. How much would you have to be bribed to completely abandon the FFVII world?
I dont think I could honestly.

13. Honestly, did you like Advent Children Complete more, simply because there was more Zack?
Dont give a shit about Zach, I liked it because of Yazoo and his helico scene ! :P

14. Did you cringe, or squeal with manic delight when Cloud got stabbed by Sephiroth in AC: Complete?
None of the above. I was kind of expecting it I guess.

15. Have you ever read a FFVII pairing that made you think “wtf?” and then ended up becoming one of your favourites?
Vincent and Cid. At first, I was WTF then they grew up on me.

16. Is there anyone in the FFVII universe that you honestly thought didn’t belong there?
umm......dont know..

17. Have you ever wondered how Bugenhagen was Red’s grandfather?

18. Which character just blatantly pissed you off the most?
I hesitate between Cloud and Rufus Shinra.. its a close one..

22. If you had to see Cloud have just one life long partner, would you pick Tifa or Aerith?
None of them. Cloud is gay. Zach maybe ? he would cheer up Cloud a bit and its sorely needed !

25. If you were to get a birthday present for Cloud, what would you give him?
A box of PROZAC

27. If Genesis were to meet Gackt in real life, what do you think would happen?
He would probably think its one of his clones, and a badly made one !

28. Do you think Genesis and Angeal played dolly whilst growing up in the same town?
haha !! :D

29. If you could pick one character to date, who would it be?
To date ? Yazoo without hesitation but I will need to grow a weewee..

30. Do you think that, behind the scenes, Tseng blows off steam by having bubble baths and playing with a rubber duckie?

31. Do you think Red ever chases his tail?

32. Which Yaoi pairing do you think is the most believable?
Rufus Shinra and Genesis ! :D I could see that happen

33. Which Yuri?

34. Which het?
Rude and Tifa or Loz and Tifa.

35. Do you think Reno’s hair colour is natural, or he dyes it just to be pretty?
Its dye !!! just check those roots. And eyebrows. Nothing red haired about the guy. He is just vain !! ;)

36. Is it unfair that Cloud never made it to SOLDIER?
Yes, I guess.

37. If Sephiroth were to have his theme song changed from ‘One Winged Angel’, what should he have it as?
Something Wagner.. :P lovely while burning Nibelheim...

38. If Rude were to have a catch phrase other than “…”, what would it be?
No clue.

39. Do you think Hojo or Vincent is Sephiroth’s Real father?
Dont care about canon, VINCENT IS the father of Sephiroth. One, they look alike. two, its just to watch that scene in BC to understand. (after all, why would they send Vince and Lucrecia on a picnic if not to suggest something) Im convinced that they officially made Hojo the father just to be politically correct toward the western audience.

40. Rufus Shinra or Papa Shinra?
Neither, thanks

41. If Zack was to have an AOL screen name, what would it be?

42. If Genesis lost his copy of Loveless, do you think he’d go for Dr. Seuss?

43. Which book?
The Divine Comedy or Paradise Lost (I keep Frank's answers, I so agree)

44. If Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal, Zack and Cloud formed a band, what would they call themselves and what kind of music would they play?
I dont even want to imagine...

45. Who would play what?
Genesis would probably sing since he is the vainest.. :P Seph would play moodily the bass in a dark corner, Zach on guitar, Angeal : drums and Cloud.. the backing voices ! XDDD

and now a few random pictures..

First, 2 I found on the net, one unbelievably cute and the other.. well.. it was on my existensialism FB page and it cracked me up :D

and some perso pictures...

my new boots, told Frank I would post them..

and the buddha I found in a used shop for nothing or almost ! :D My only worry .. that the screw I used is strong enough. If not, I may never wake up... :P

oh the sheets are IKEA.. everything is IKEA in that house.. One day, Ill make that IKEA post..

advent children, memes, pictures

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