I am sick. I feel like shit. Sniffles. I am going to die from the porcine flu, maybe I am the first case, haha. What an unglorious dead :p
I have lost my sense of smell and my head is spinning, and I feel like I have the worst hangover :(
And my doctor is sick. Maybe he will never come back. Second doctor I lose. Its Morten`s fault. He has pestered the poor guy so much that Im sure he is suffering from a terminal nervous breakdown and will never come back again :(
Possible porcine flu and no doctor.
And only one cigarette left. Which means I have to get ready and go buy some more..
Fuck, life sucks :(
Although, there is always Elmo .. and Ricky Gervais :)
Elmo you are so cute in your pyjamas :D
(I may have posted that before but I never get tired of that duo..)
"its called acting Mr Gervais, acting !"
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