In which there is a slug...

Apr 01, 2007 20:15

I took ladyofastolat's quiz-of-exceptional-accuracy and it is just soooo true! (Well, apart from the fluffiness, and the speed, and... but one cannot have it all with an internet quiz. It does mention socks, however, so it is obviously true.)

Also, yay slugs!

What animal are you? (Entirely scientifically accurate, honest)

You are a Slug, renowned for your energy and exuberance. You never walk when bouncing could do just as well. You have been seen in public without clothes on more often than you have been seen without a smile. People secretly find this a little wearing, and duck into doorways to avoid you. Your favourite food is fast food, because then you have the fun of chasing it. Your tail is springy. You're fond of socks. Your ideal job is as a human statue. Your attack rating is 7, your scariness is 1, your speed is 45, and your fluffiness is 2.
Take this quiz!

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I am going to work tomorrow for the first time since, um, October. This will either be a Good Thing or a Bad Thing. Or possibly Both.
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