Boooring.. ?!?!

Sep 11, 2010 18:45

Yes, I'm back~
Not really, or am I?
Dunno~ But I have the urge to write something. Just don't know what.

Yeah I saw that Aimiya kiss already~ And I have to say:

I am really into Aimiya now.. more than before..
And I love it *O* I think I love it more than Sakuraiba *cough*
I haven't said that, have I? ôo
Okay I have..
I'm sooo sorry but it's all Nino-chans fault!
Yes.. I mean you, exactly you! You know I mean you, come on, you know it xD
*runs away*
I love you my Nino darling xD

So back to topic, I think..

I wanted to post something about my finish of School~
But Livejournal don't want me to~
So I skip that part.

We were in Europapark, an amusement park. It was really funny~
And I have lot of pictures, but I'm to lazy to post them :P

Now My holidays are ending tomorrow T_T
And I have school on Monday again~
I'm beginning my apprenticeship as nursery nurse~
So I have more school than work in first year, and second year..
But I can do my "Fachhochschulreife" with this school, too So I'm busy for the next 4 years I think~ And I have to find a side job cause i don't get money yet.
I think I will die after those 4 years.. I can smell it xD
And I will never meet Arashi T_T

So I think this is enough for now..
I don't want to tell something about some people who really goes on my nerve at the moment.
I will skip that part for now, cause I'm happy at the moment.
Life is really good at the moment I think~
Yeah something is every now and then really damn but, it`ll go away =D

So now I really think I will say

till the next time =D

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