Torchwood 103

Jan 23, 2007 19:56

This episode about the ghosts was a lot better than the last one, one I really, really liked. The plot was interesting and it showed a big downside of using alien devices, that they don’t always bring advantages with them. You may wonder why there are aliens who want to know how other people will die, but that just doesn’t matter and doesn’t take away from the great episode.

The part I didn’t like was Jack teaching Gwen how to shoot and consoling her in the end, I don’t want her to be with him. With her boyfriend or with Owen, but not Jack. Jack has to be with Ianto.

Another problem I have is the fact that although we see Owen as a human being this time, there isn’t enough about Toshiko or Ianto to make them real characters. When they appear, they are working, so you don’t get to see much of their characters, just see them as plot devices. Even Burnie Harris, Flannigan and Ed Morgan can be perceived as human beings better than Toshiko and Ianto which bothers me. You have to see the characters, know them, so you can develop feelings for them because if you don’t, you don’t care about the series, just shrug it off if they are killed. If they had shown more of Suzie, showed that she’s a nice girl instead of just having her sit there with the glove before she tries to shoot Gwen, I might have felt something and that would have made me be more interesting.

The only characters I can feel for are Jack, Rhys and Owen. Not Gwen because I can’t stand her. They should show more of Ianto and Toshiko and less of Gwen, this would make this a lot better because Gwen isn’t such an interesting character, at least not for me and Ianto is so cute, I want to see more of him, not just him bringing coffee or tea or whatever to the others. He should be involved in the stuff more.

Although Jack and Gwen had a cute scene when he teaches her how to shoot, I don’t want cute scenes between the two of them. I feel like Jack would approach any new girl or guy like this, but still, Gwen shouldn’t spend quality time with him but with her boyfriend.

There have been more little revelations about Jack. The fact that he doesn’t sleep, that he is waiting for the things that change in the 21st century. I’m curious about it. He is always talking about it and we really don’t know what it is.

Owen has become a much more loveable character after this one just because we got to know him a lot better, see that he has feelings and isn’t just a perverted doctor.

What annoyed me was Gwen when she killed Es Morgan and started behaving angsty, being wrapped into a blanket and stuff. I just don’t like her. I hate how she has to be the focus of the show. She is the most human character, but I’m annoyed by her.

torchwood, 2007, review, tv

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