(no subject)

Aug 11, 2012 16:06

I'm currently writing my first term paper for the summer (15 to 20 pages; I'm aiming for 15) which is taking most of my time. The rest I spend editing Matze's bachelor's thesis with him which is very hard work and at times extremely frustrating. At least he no longer thinks Wikipedia can be used as a source. We had a fight about that in March because he kept insisting that his teachers had always told him to use Wikipedia for research.

Anyway, I'm on page 6 right now I need to rewrite most of my introduction by now because that always happens towards the beginning of my term paper writing. I need to start off with some writing to figure out what my exact thesis is going to be. When I started out, all I knew was that I was going to compare the portrayal of infanticide in Uncle Tom's Cabin in Beloved (meaning I'm going to write two term papers about Beloved this summer although it's going to be about completely different aspects, infanticide and inherited trauma in the second generation). By now I know what I'm writing about which means I need to rewrite the first pages and start restructuring the paper. I might start doing that today since I can't do much writing until I get my hands on Modern Medea, a biography of Margaret Garner, on Monday that I need so I have some decent sources.

I'm not sure I'm ready to explain my idea in writing this paper yet because I only figured it out yesterday and I haven't been able to phrase it concisely yet. It would be a good idea to spend some time today and tomorrow doing that. This term paper has to be the one that has gone through the most revisions when it comes to a subject, starting with revisionism by comparing Uncle Tom's Cabin and Harriet Beecher Stowe's later anti-slavery novel Dred to exploring how the character of Uncle Tom is relegated to a carricature (Old Tiff) in Dred while a noble slave, the eponymous Dred, takes the spotlight. Then I realized that I'll be crying my eyes out pretty soon if I write about Dred because while I enjoy Uncle Tom's Cabin and see why Stowe wrote Dred, it just doesn't have any of the charm UTC has. So I started to think of topics using solely Uncle Tom's Cabin and spent a few days working on ideas for that, none of which was very great. Finally, about to give up, I decided to connect it to Beloved which I'm going to write about for my BA thesis as they both have portrayals of infanticide and this is where I finally found an idea I actually liked and am sticking to (and at the same time, I have to constantly read sections of Beloved for it which already helps with familiarizing myself with the text more, even if I'm looking for different things).

As I've joked with several people, I'm probably going to be on a black list or something by the time I finish this term paper because I do far to many MLA, google, etc. searches for infanticide.

And now I really need to stop procrastinating and get to writing. A friend of Matze's is coming over later and my sister has threatened to come see the big fireworks in Konstanz today. I really hope she doesn't because that would mean that she'd want to crash here and I might even have to go see it with her when all I want it a quiet evening of reading.


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