Script Frenzy

Mar 28, 2009 15:16

I've finally decided that I'm really doing Script Frenzy and it's going to be a little on the crazy side. The main character is Shirley Foster (no, I'm serious) and it pretty much chronicles her very bad relationships (Shane Doyle, Andrea Castellini, Wes Janson, maybe D.M. Hobszilauszski). It's not meant to be very serious, so I want to do the really ridiculous scenes between those characters with jokes about how every guy Shirley is into ends up in prison and Tom suggesting that she should give Hobbie a try then. I have no idea where this will be going and how I'm going to handle it but it should be fun and anything crazy that happens can be blamed on the fact that the characters who aren't drug addicts are at least borderline alcoholics.

It's going to be a chaotic, unplanned thing but I'll have fun with it and if I don't, I'll just stop, I guess. Because come on, right now I can't leave looking in from outside. I don't think I'll ever be able to unless I integrate the characters into the world somehow like I did with the Devils, Nina and Chavira (oh, they want some love) or even Kyle who will have to be renamed if I ever get back to him. Maybe connect him to the ABC storyline that doesn't exist much at this point? Someday, I'll sit down and flesh out the ABC characters.

2009, script frenzy, misfits, abc, nina, shirley, devils

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