31_days: Secrets in Drawers

Dec 29, 2008 19:52

Janna had always been the most curious of the Solen kids but she had always respected Kev Darren’s privacy. Even when she moved in with him, she had still never asked about his past or his family because she had known that it was something he was very sensitive about.

Still, she had always moved around his house freely, felt at home in it and so she had felt comfortable venturing into every room, looking through his CD collection, reading his books, cooking, going into his comic room and even his office although she preferred to do that only when he was  present.

The comic room had been a spare bedroom over the garage that Kev who didn’t need all the room the house offered the stored his huge collection in Drawer Boxes, which he listed as one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century so far.

Janna loved sitting in it looking through Kev’s beloved possessions, taking out some to read every once in a while although she mostly stuck to the trade paperbacks. Sometimes, when too many DCBS boxes sat in the room unopened she would bag and board them and put them in the longboxes which Kev appreciated although he hated not to know what had arrived yet.

At one of those occasions, when she was looking for the longbox for Free Comic Book Day books, she opened one box that made her hesitate for a second but before she could understand what she had just found.

The drawer box contained a few paperback novels, several folders filled with documents and a handful of worn-out notebooks. Assuming that she had found a hide-away for Kev’s secret research stash, Janna almost closed it again but hesitated when she noticed a metallic object wrapped in a transparent plastic bag and upon a second glance, she realized she was looking at a gun.

An unintentional gasp escaped her throat and she knew she should close the drawer and pretend she had never seen any of this but her curiosity kept her from doing so. Instead, she reached for the gun but didn’t unwrap it, just laid it on the floor next to her before reaching for one of the folders and slowly opening it. It was labeled Timothy Royston Darren, a name she was unfamiliar with but she was only too familiar with the last name.

The folder contained a few pictures of who Janna presumed to be Timothy, a young man with dark hair that resembled Kev quite a bit but it couldn’t be him; that she was quite aware of.

What followed was a newspaper article chronicling the death of the young man that was speculated to have been suicide and possibly related to the nightmare that ha broken loose in a Marines headquarter in Maine shortly afterwards. Not much information was given about what this had been about but it didn’t matter, not now. What was more important to Janna was the fact that Kev kept those files which meant they were of importance to him.

And it was possible that Timothy had in fact committed suicide but wasn’t it just as likely that Kev had killed him? Why else would he have all this information about a man he was related to? Kev had implied more often than not that he had a difficult past and she knew that Kev Darren was capable of murder. Why would he kill Timothy she didn’t know, maybe he hadn’t but Janna knew that from now on she would never be able to look at Kev without thinking that he might have killed this young man and her promise never to ask him about his past would keep her from ever finding out.

And she hated both herself and Kev. Kev for what he might have done and herself for having found out.

writing, 2008, comic, 31_days, cruel

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