NaNo Day 1 II

Nov 01, 2008 16:57

I'm in sweetsmile21's NaNo. I'm a rapper and my name is Nathalia. That is part of my campaign to be mentioned in other people's novels.

Here is my successful rap: “I’m sad, you’re bad, but together we’re a little bit of perfection… I’m a fool, you’re cool, but together we’ll break world records. Kiss me baby, drink me baby, wear me baby.”

And I'll be added to Frank's novel about Elvin Meadow where I'll be killed and maybe violated (either before or after I'm killed).

word count: 7,830.
I don't know how many words left till 10k but I know I'll do it because someone will give me 50 awesome points if I do. I hope I remember who it was.

2008, friends, nano

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