Tangent - Green Lantern

Nov 30, 2007 18:31

writer: James Robinson
artist: J.H. Williams
cover date: December 1997

Almost ten years since that comic came out and it isn't the most pleasant read I've ever had. It's full of exposition with the woman who owns the Green Lantern breaking the forth wall all the time addressing the reader which I don't like very much.
It doesn't really help that Captain Comet, a war hero from the sixties is shown to die while trying to stop a missile, holding on to it while it flies. I know that from another comic, already. The story feels forced with Captain Comet seeking revenge for his death and it's just plain boring.
The art isn't too special, but I like the layout. It's not Keith Giffen, but it's done interestingly.
I don't like the fact that the two characters that are revived in this comic are a superhero and a royal private eye. This is very clichée. Why not a normal person? Someone who doesn't seek revenge, just didn't have time to say goodbye to their loved ones, something like this.
And then, in the second story, the P.I. just wanted to tell a publisher about a crime he solved but was never able to tell anyone about. The murder of Ralph Digby. An associate of his goes by the name of Alfred Pennyworth who runs a publishing company, The House of Mystery.
The third story focuses on a pilot called Arthur Curry from the Captain Boomerang fliers who is interviewed by a reporter from World's Finest. Another magazine, Teen Titans, is mentioned. A beverage brand called Impulse. A team of villains called Darkstars. Arthur Curry's mother died in the same incident as Captain Comet did and interestingly enough, Arthur Curry was the son of Captain Boomerang, his idol. The last story is probably the best.

comics, 2007, reviews, dc

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