comics talk ... it's a Wednesday after all!

Oct 24, 2007 19:28

Wednesdays are awesome because they are comic days and I love comics. So, I'm always happy on Wednesdays. It's nice to come home after school and see that there are comics to read.

Among others, I got X-Men: Die By The Sword #2 (of #5) this week. I reviewed the first issue some time ago and I still think the first issue is awful. But I want to see if it can get worse. The only issue released today that I read till now is X-Men #204 by Mike Carey and Mike Choi and like the entire Carey run, it was great but what I'd like to point out is the close friendship he has been establishing between Bobby and Sam which is nice. And Choi's art is just incredible. It is realistic and that's a stark contrast to the last few issues that were more comic-y. Some of the male characters look somewhat like women, especially Mister Sinister (confession: I was about to write Sinestro) in a few shots.

There is one double splash page of what is going on in Rogue's mind that is ... I can't find words for it. I won't write about this issue too much, though, because it's too soon having been released just today, but I can only praise Carey and Choi over and over again and hope that Choi stays on the title.

I still have some old, classic X-Men to read because in the CGS Book of the Month of August, it was all about the Dark Phoenix Saga and I am somewhat late when it comes to CGS because I have all those podcasts I listen to and I'm still trying to catch up with the episodes I missed while I was in Chile and there are always so many comics to read. For example, I have just gotten into American Virgin and Army@Love.

Anyway, I've got an exam tomorrow and I still haven't figured out what exactly I'm supposed to learn for it. Conny told me today, but it's like, it's mostly so obvious stuff you don't really have to prepare for. I will read my notes and some of the many, many, many copies the teacher handed out because there is no chance we'll get an economy book before Christmas.

marvel, dc, school, comics, vertigo, 12.1, 2007, wirtschaft, x-men

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