(no subject)

Jan 03, 2007 23:17

Back from x-mas break. Mixed experience, as it seems all christmas's are as one grows older. I got a sweet blanket, and 2 coffe-makers. And I didn't give anyone anything. I fell like a prick. But I am so poor! So poor in fact, that I am applying for food stamps this week. Ouch. Since losing my job a few weeks ago (a mixed blessing) I've been getting into the studio a lot more. Which is good, because I have 4 shows coming up, and no work to go into any of them. I've signed with a gallery in Concord MA, and will be ceremoniously de-flowered as an artist come Feb. 28th for my 1st real commercial exhibit. Yay-ers. Watershed is then having an exhibit a day or two later. Then in march is the big CraftBoston show, which all the Watershed residents will be participating in. And I have been invited to curate a show this summer at my new gallery. Add to this a whopping pile of applications for the next round of residencies, and I'm one busy, strikingly handsome, miraculously single guy...on food stamps...
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