(no subject)

May 29, 2005 20:15

As it stands now, I think I gotst myself a job! I'll be working at the Lacoste Gallery in Concord Center. This is a sweet gig. Its really the only ceramics gallery that I've seen outside of Northampton or Boston. The pay is only $8 an hour, but thats not SOOOO bad. Plus, I FINALLY have a job in my field of study. I was wondering when that little plus would come around. And I get to dress up!

Also since I've been home, I've seen WAY too much television. I planed on walking a bunch all last week, but the weather was so bad and unpredictable, that I just sat on the couch for 7 days and watched TV all day, everyday. I'm not kidding. I watched around 4 Audry Hepburn movies, and alot of PBS.
Anyone have a spare iPod charger and cable? I seem to have lost mine somewhere on my European Trek. Now I'm lost...

In other news, my brother has decided that hes not going to do the modeling thing. He has the largest, and most well respecting modeling agency IN THE WORLD wanting him to work for them, but he doesnt want to 'sell out' to the man. He wants to go on to do music, but doesnt want to be part of the system. He doesnt want to sell himself to the corperations. But I think he misses the point that just by not contributing to the system doesnt mean he's going to cause it to crumble. Having values and personal convictions is great. I'm all for 'em. Shit, I have a few myself. But he fails to realize, or chooses to ignore the fact, that you can use the system for your own gain, and in the process, stir it up a little! Systems aren't all bad. He wants to persue a music carrer, and I really think he has a shot at it. I don't know exactly what he thinks being a successfull, listened-to musician is: It's selling yourself!! No matter what you do, musician, artist, secretary, consultant: you are selling your services, your time, and yourself to those who want to utilize you!! Thats what a job is! By doing modeling work, you are not duping anyone. You are not tricking them. You are not causeing people bodily harm. You can use the argument that by modeling, you are some how contributing to sweatshop labor, but that will continue no matter what you do. And if you are working for those companies, you have a very good chance to bring that issue up with them internaly. There are PLENTY of companies out there, such as American Apperel, who practice sustainable capitalism. They certainly wont listen to you if you are not known to them! Sadly, he's flushing the biggest networking oppertunity that he will probably ever have placed in front of his face down the can!!! I mean, JESUS! He can fund his entire way through college, no problems. He can travel the world on someone else's dime. The WORLD! Travel! Free!!! He can meet and greet people who can really get this music thing rolling for him, not to mention that he can fund any music related needs. All he has to do is sit there and look pretty. Which is shallow, and stupid and uninteresting, I know. I sympathize with him in many ways. If I had this oppertunity, I really would do some long hard thinking about myself contributing to a system that really just adds to alot of the crap that we have in our culture. But I think I would end up coming to the decision that I am not going to throw away an EXTREEMELY rare opportunity because I would add to that problem. For that one addition, you could use the gains to do so many other constructive things. I am just a little frustrated because it seems that this door has opend, allowing hin to do so many of the things that he wants to, and he's choosing to ignore it because his more counter-culture friends would make fun of him, and he's convinced himself that it would be an evil thing to do. I sincerely wish that I had an oppertunity like the one that has just been presented to him, so I think there is a bit of jealousy there too. I don't want to see him regreting this decision for the rest of his life. He really has a shot at a pretty free ride here, and a shot at making his music stuff known and do-able.
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