Mar 31, 2011 17:53
I have completed preliminary programing on the album, and moved on to recording live instruments and vocals.
I think it's very important to have the "human element" incorporated into music. Sure, an all programed pure electronic instrumental album can be cool, but I think that incorporating live recording really adds a personalized touch that cannot be replicated by pure software alone. I also feel that this is one area that will set me apart from a lot of other home-studio electronic music makers since there are so many that only do programing and no actual live recording.
There will be probably two songs that feature live guitar and/or bass on my new album, and all the songs save for maybe three will feature vocals by myself. For me, vocals are a double edged sword. On the down side, I have never taken any sort of vocal lessons, and do not have a natural singing talent, so not only is it difficult for me to lay down a vocal track that truly sounds good, but there are certain vocal techniques that I am simply incapable of achieving. On the plus side however, as these are all original songs, I am under no obligation to write them in a certain key or incorporate a wide vocal range. Also, I can use various effect filters to enhance certain elements of my voice to make them sound really cool (and no, I will not be using auto-tune).
I am also very proud of the lyrics I have written. Many of them are very poetic in nature, and I am going to try my best to really sing well enough so that they will sound meaningful.