yes... one of these...

Dec 29, 2005 23:33

100 THINGS.... repost this with your answers:
1* First grade teacher's name: Ms. Jones... easy one...
2* Last word you said:Talk to you soon to the girlfriend on the phone... before that I sang "Boomer Sooner" to an OU friend.
3* Last song you sang: wow I got ahead of myself... Boomer Sooner...haha...
4* Last person you hugged: Elizabeth Abbarno... which is really random cause I haven't seen her since senior year of high school!
5* Last thing you laughed at: Myself when I did something really retarded about 5 minutes ago...
6* Last time you said "I love you": I think I told Pete (my dog) I love him earlier tonight..
7* Last time you cried: Hrrmmm... I can't remember...
9* What color socks are you wearing: I don't believe in socks.
10* What's under your bed: Clothes for another season... percussion crap I don't need back in BR
11* What time did you wake up today: 8:30 am
12* Current taste: craving a Texas Cheesesteak from Waffle House...
13* Current hair: GROWING BACK!!!
15* Current annoyance: My piano playing
16* Current longing: To see Meg... I hate to be a goo ball but I miss her... :P
17* Current desktop background: A picture from the "Chimes Street Elegy" rehearsals...
18* Current worry: The hardest semester of all time coming up way too soon...
19* Current hate: Smoking... (just got out of a conversation about it so its fresh on my mind...haha...)
20* Current favorite article of clothing: my pair of jeans with a HUGE INAPPROPRIATE HOLE IN THEM! (I'm trying to see how many people don't notice it... its pretty ridiculous...haha...)
26* If you could play an instrument, what would it be: haha... well if you know me well enough you know I'm not terribly fond of being a percussionist (except jazz d.s and pit theater...haha...) how about the French Horn...and to make money I'd love to be a pianist thats worth a damn.
27* Favorite color: Dark Green and Dark Red.
29* How tall are you: 5 foot 8 for life... I have a shifted growth plate and that means I'm done growing forever :(
30* Current favorite word/saying: "lets go to Canes"
31* Favorite book: the Finale 2005 manual... not by choice but because my composite time signatures don't look right!! BOOOO...
32* Favorite season: Fall and Winter no question... LOVE IT COLD!
33* One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Frederick Fennell... our paths came so close so many times but I never got to meet him.
35* Where do you want to go for college: an AWESOME music school...I think I really want to go to Boston
36* What is your favorite career going to be like: MUSIC-and it will be AWESOME. It's the only thing I actually LOVE to do...
37* How many kids do you want: Not sure..I'll guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens with my career first
39* Said "I love you" and meant it: to family members: of course!
40* Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish: me and Petey fight on a daily basis...but its more of a fun play fighting...haha.
41* Been to New York: yeah...its been too long since I've been back.
42* Been to Florida: too many old people and tourists
43* Been to California: Another place I love that I haven't to in a while...
44* Been to Hawaii: Maui is amazing.
45* Been to Mexico: nope
46* Been to China: nope
48* Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened: I dreamed one time that Pat Summitt attacked me and it got on SportsCenter
52* Do you have a crush on someone: I guess you could call it a crush... even though its sorta manifested itself into bigger and better things...ha...
53* What book are you reading now: Mozart in the Jungle...STILL... its really good I just don't have time to read!
54* Worst feeling in the world: Being alone... not physically but in the emotional and symbolic senses...
55* What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning: "Oh my God I live in Louisiana..."
56* How many rings before you answer: 2-3ish...
57* Future daughter's name: Isabel
58* Future son's name: Ira or William
59* Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: nope
60* If you could have any job you wanted: Composer in residence for some remarkable ensemble
61* Wish you were: not such a worry wart
62* Future College plans: Masters in Wind Conducting at SMU... teach high school band in the metroplex... COLLEGE WIND ENSEMBLE GIG! And oh yeah... a crap load of composing stuck in there somewhere...
63* Piercings: nope... but I have a bet with a friend to get an eye brow piercing if I win a composition contest this season...haha...
64* Have you done any drugs: never... and people that do need to figure out that there is more to life...
65* What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: I haven't had to answer that question in 2 years... so when I decide I'll get back to you.
66* What are you most scared of: wow... the exact same things as Brittany...creepy! failure and being alone...
67* What clothes do you sleep in: hahaha... your not gonna like this answer... NAKED!
69* Where do you want to get married: when I'm 26 or 27... kids when I'm in my 30s
70* If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: I'd trust people more.
71* Who do you really hate: People that don't believe in ridiculous things... anything is possible...
72* Are you timely or always late: I used to be SCARY punctual... now I'm just punctual.
73* Do you have a job: I have a couple of commissions I'm working on for actual money... so I guess you could call that a job.
74* Do you like being around people: I love people...especially when they have something to say.
75* Best feeling in the world: Hearing other people play your music.
76* Are you for world peace?: yeah... who isn't?
77* Are you a health freak: I drink a crap load of water... but thats to balance out my carbs and fried chicken...haha...
78* Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: I don't notice it but there seems to be a trend...haha...
80* Are you lonely right now: in a weird way yeah... but I think its cause its midnight and I'm doing a LJ survey...haha...
81* Ever afraid you'll never get married: hahaha yeah... I worry there is no woman crazy enough to spend her life with
82* Do you want to get married: of course!
84* Cried: no
85* Bought Something: Bought a cup of coffee...
86* Gotten Sick: no but apparently the flu is coming so knock on wood...
87* Sang: haha sure.
88* Said I Love You: yes

This survey got boring at the end... so I just sorta hacked off the last 12 questions... sorry...haha... its bedtime... night everybody.
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