Jul 26, 2005 11:01
Well.. I've been reading on everybody else's journals on how after they graduate everybody goes there seperate ways. After you think about it some your peirs(sp) possibly can have the same dream and goals in life as you do.But then I always think I only have 3 more years of school,
dances,football games,pool parties and ,sleep overs, and yes I know there is always college but it still won't be the same.This year starts a new person and a new out look on life and what it is all about. This year starts new friendships, and new goals to set for yourself and the person you are going to become.This is when the countdown starts to "growing up" and becoming a mature person.There is always one quote that i've always really liked because it is the truth:
I remember when getting high was only on the playgrounds
I remember when the only things guys had was cooties
The one thing I remember the most is always wanting to grow up.
That quote is very true, because all the time my family members would ask what do I want to be when I "grow up".. ever since we was little, there was always a little growing up that took place.
But now I understand the concept of growing up.Growing up is remembering the good times and the hard times and the ones who helped you through it.It is also thinking of the good times and not of the bad.Growing up is becoming something for not only you,but for your family, friends, and God.It's respecting yourself and making the right choices.I've learned from my mistakes and that's all that matters because that is in the past. This is my future and I'm going to make the best of it =))
i love you all