Jul 19, 2005 20:30
I really don't have anything to talk about so I'm going to leave you all with some randoms:
*`FrIeNdS`*:I haven't got to do much of anything with my friends this summer..it kind of sucks.I've done the most with kitauna. I'm really glad me and her have become better friends.I spent the night with amanda taylor(shortt) and jacquelynn stayed down there also and we had a really good time =)).
*`ScHoOl`*:It starts August 11 and I dread it kind of..because I haven't got my sechdule or anything. I also don't have much time left to know what I need.
*`SuMmEr`*:This summer has been amazing because of nathaniel. He has made this summer very rememberable and special.This summer has been amazing and I don't want it to end.. but there is always fall =))
*`My BoY`*: *aww.. like I said he has made this summer so unbelievable and wonderful. I can not believe how close we have become in this past one month and four weeks.Sunday will be 2 months and this is just so amazing. I love every moment I have with him.We do the most funny and loving stuff around each other. I really do think we will be together for a extremely long time and that excites me because I never know what he is going to do to take my breath away all over again.I love being around him.. I really do think I have found the definition of love.
`*ThE DeFiNiTiOn Of LoVe*`
The defintion of love is looking in someones eyes and knowing that you are loved by this person with all their heart.It is being around them and even before they say anything they make your stomach get butterflies. It is also the type of guy that isn't afraid to hold your hand around his friends, or to say yah.. that's my girlfriend.Also it is someone who can hold you and you feel so protected, and loved.Lastly it is someone that when you kiss them it makes your heart skip a beat.
i love you nathaniel <3