
May 11, 2009 11:36

so, i've got some pretty skewed perspectives, i'm beginning to realize. the one i'm addressing here is my take on setting goals. goals are important, in that they help you do something you might otherwise have trouble sticking with. some things take more than a couple days to get done, and a couple days is about my maximum for staying motivated with any particular task.
I don't like the idea of goals, because if what i like doing is learning to do this thing, why would i need to set up a schedule for myself? I'll just do it every time i think of it, and if i don't think of it, then i must not really care that much. this is the skewed side of my view. : )

That said, my last post was about goals i have for the summer and these next couple years, and this little goal i'm going to post here is related to those. I hope that I get into the habit of blogging fairly often, like 1-3 times a week for each of the blogs i started this year. that's mah goal, and i'm not necessarily sticking to it ;-)

so, the last of our crew graduated yesterday, and it was a little weird. i was the only composition/theory student, and I had long forgotten that it was a half theory degree. I didn't take any more theory classes than my friends in other majors, but I took many more things to do with composition. Dr. Sly read my name and all, and I was pretty disappointed it was him. I wouldn't have thought it would have mattered to me, but I guess I felt done with everything he had to do with my schooling a long time ago. Maybe i feel so done because of having new and exciting things... like:

Joanna Bosse and Chris Scales. I'm finally going to bring my life together, join two huge sides of my hobbies in a way I haven't been able to, and get paid to do so. : ) With Chris, I'll be collaborating on fiddle music, improv, recording and teaching. With Joanna, we'll be doing research on dance, movement, rhythm, music, "happiness", endorphins, computer physical modeling of what it means to "lead", and traveling to study with dancers, choreographers, academics and everybody to try to make the first book on all this stuff. Should be crazy.

so, I've been having conversations about being good at things lately, and one thing i'm not very well practiced in is writing my ideas out in words, and developing these ideas is going to be my life for the next couple years, so I'd better start practicing.

My other goal is to connect people doing cool things, reduce inter-departmental mis-communication and non-communication, so i'm starting a couple other things too, like this Delicious links page. Check out my brother's website on it. he's crazy.

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