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Jan 27, 2009 12:16

Yesterday, I had the worst hangover of my life, but my current situation with work and people let me completely stay home and read and watch tv all day, which was sweet and sort of unreasonable. I’ve never had a schedule that I could completely just drop all my plans for a day and recover/relax, but that’s totally what I needed yesterday. And the skating Sunday was sweet too. I’m seriously thinking about finding somebody to pay me to give rollerblading lessons at a skatepark.

So, I’ve got a couple things I’m working on right now, and yesterday was actually a great break for all of them. My recital with all the dreaming is slowly coming together, like the opposite of how my memories of dreams slowly unravel. Last night, or sometime yesterday (I slept almost all day), I dreamt about a bunch of good things. I was finally working on string parts for the new Ruberdus songs, and they were great. All I remember is this descending line for a section of “animals without backbones,” but there were others that I really liked, and now I know they’re in my head somewhere. I also dreamt of a cool new section at the end of the sax/piano/computer piece, and I’m totally using it - blurring the line between a delay/stutter/repeat of piano and sax notes at the end of the piece, starting with all played notes, then delayed, then completely chopped, getting smaller and smaller in slice length. It was really pretty too, so I’m excited for it. Gotta call Shawn.

It’s the strangest thing, having dreams about working on projects. A dream of a fantastic piece, or a social context built around listening to or experiencing one makes sense to me, but dreaming about the process is strange to me. There’s nothing fantastic to me about the process of sitting at a computer, writing out new parts or working on a recording, but that’s what I was doing for hours in my dreams last night, a dreaming state where I normally fly around or battle robot/wild animal versions of close friends. Must really be on my mind. : )

Also, I keep having images of what it would look like, the performance of this new piece with Sullivan. 48 voices, sampled and re-arranged; 48 people speaking, arranged in an enormous arc around an open dark space with projections on the floor. Lighting/spotlights focusing on different groups, individuals, shifting the focus between the whole and individual as the voices shift between sense and nonsense. I haven’t even talked with him about what it will really be like, but I keep having this image, sometimes in sleep and sometimes in daydreams.

ok, things to do:
fix hands for viola
practice time for drums
work on harmonies for piano
string parts for ruberdus
dream more for collaboration
final cut for slow-hand
skate skate skate
write write write
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