new year pt 1

Aug 26, 2008 09:09

so, current things:
i have a new job, working for Dak the computer guy in the music department, which makes it four college of music departments i work in now : )
i have new responsibilities in recording services, like doing really illegal cat5 cable termination in the catwalks of the building and fixing video feeds
i'm practicing more and more
playing more accordion (on the radio on thursday!)
done with another year of silly summer painting job
really amazingly healed neck-wise and skating again
- correlating dreams frequent

future things:
salsa band rehearsals start friday, and we're shooting to get a weekly gig at this club in lansing
Chris and Luke get back in November! (with impending Ruberdus)
also going to an electronic music conference in November in Mississippi!
practicing way more viola, learning more and feeling good about it, so hoping to get the nerve up soon to go to jam sessions
jazz string quartet inevitable, may even count as an MSU jazz combo, if Eli has his way! : )
two new pieces exciting:
- bjorky string quartet with 3-4 voices too... lyrics written, about 1/4 the music is done
- new sax-piano-computer piece scary, but coming along. electronic, difficult, 3 movements, latin? : )

expansion soon!

oh yeah! friends are back! yaay!
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