List Of My (Fan)Fiction

Jan 12, 2020 15:52

Complete List of nathaniel_hp's (fan)fiction


Breaking Point, Cara/Kayi, Cara Dunheim, Kayi, Leif Dunheim (NC-17)
Cara is done being broken. It's time to do the breaking.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Fandom: Lord of the Rings

New Beginnings, Samwise Gamgee, Frodo Baggins (PG)
A little moment of quietness, peace and happiness for Sam and Frodo. And hope for a new beginning.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)

Their Eloquence, John Watson/Greg Lestrade (R)
They were both men of action. They did rather than said.
On LJ | DW | AO3

No Less, John Watson, Greg Lestrade (PG)
It all began when Lestrade joined John for a pint at the pub.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Fandom: Harry Potter


Encounters, _Remus/Evan Rosier (PG)
Sometimes things happen to us and we cannot be sure how exactly they started, even if we know exactly when they ended.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Goodbye, Albus/Gellert (PG-13)
When removed from his post as headmaster in 1996, Dumbledore isn't idle. He knows he'll have to return to England sooner rather than later, but there is one thing he must do first.
On LJ | DW | AO3

What was Lost ..., Remus/Sirius (PG-13)
Ten years after his death, Sirius Black shows up at the doorstep of his old friend and lover Remus Lupin.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Temptations, Remus/Ron (PG-13)
I can resist everything except temptation, said Oscar Wilde. Remus tries his best to resist even that, but a certain redhead is making things difficult.
On LJ | DW | AO3

The Possibility of Friendship, Remus, Severus, Irma Pince (G)
"So many qualities are indeed requisite to the possibility of friendship, and so many accidents must concur to its rise and its continuance" (Samuel Johnson)
Remus Lupin witnesses an unlikely friendship when he returns to Hogwarts to teach. He tries to make sense of it and contemplates his own situation.
On LJ | DW | AO3

My History, His Story, Remus/Sirius, Teddy (PG-13)
A find in the attic leads Teddy Lupin on a journey of discovery. Is this his chance to get to know the father he never had a chance to meet?
On LJ | DW | AO3

Crossroads, Remus/Sirius (PG-13)
“We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy.” (Walter Anderson)
On LJ | DW | AO3

Prima Nocte, Remus/Ron (NC-17)
“We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy.” (Walter Anderson)
On LJ | DW | AO3

Refuge, Remus/Charlie (PG-13)
There are times when a change of scenery offers us a welcome break and a refuge.
On LJ | DW | AO3

To Be Alive, Percy/Oliver (PG-13)
In the aftermath of the Final Battle, in an attempt to mend things, broken pieces are gathered. Sometimes they cut.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Barriers Between, Oliver/Cedric (PG-13/R)
It is hard, if not impossible, to break down the barriers our parents have erected for us.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Gryffindor in Possession ... and SCORE!, Oliver/Cedric (R)
Keeper Oliver Wood scores. And he thinks it might be a good idea to keep.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Sunbeam, Remus/Sirius (PG)
"When true friends meet in adverse hour;
'Tis like a sunbeam through a shower.
A watery way an instant seen,
The darkly closing clouds between."
- Sir Walter Scott
On LJ | DW | AO3

Muggle-Mingling, Remus/Sirius (PG-13)
Remus takes Sirius on an excursion to Muggle England. Naturally, things do not go according to plan.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Audience (Dis)Approval, Remus/Sirius (PG)
Sirius learns a lesson.
On LJ | DW | AO3

The Words of his Soul, Remus, Percy (PG)
Remus wanted nothing more than to help, to make a difference in the fight against Voldemort. He might still get his chance, even if Harry turned him away.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Losing the Anchor, Ron/Draco (PG-13)
"Better lose the anchor than the whole ship." (Dutch proverb)
But what if you're convinced if it is really only the anchor you have lost, your ship still intact? What if you think your ship is safe when it isn't?
On LJ | DW | AO3

(if you don't) Trust Me I'll Fall, Remus/Sirius (PG)
Trusting isn't always easy, but sometimes it is of vital importance.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Breach, Remus/Sirius (R)
Adolescence: the time of change, but more so when your family is Black. Thank Merlin for good friends.
On LJ | DW | AO3

A Special Person, Remus/Ron (PG-13)
On LJ | DW | AO3

Past Gladness, Remus/Ron (PG-13, character death)
Memories are all he's got left.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Summer Storm, Harry/Ron/Hermione (PG-13/R)
A summer storm. From out of nowhere, fierce and wild, over as quickly as it had started.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Useless, Remus/Ron (PG/PG-13)
Ron is not made for waiting around uselessly.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Shutting the Book, Remus/Sirius (PG-13)
What happened to Remus after the fight in the Department of Mysteries? How does he deal with losing Sirius?
On LJ | DW | AO3

Take a Chance on Me, Remus/Sirius (PG)
Had Remus just kissed him? Why did he bolt like that? And what was Sirius going to do?
Companion piece to Easier Done Than Said, Sirius's POV.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Eat, It'll Help, Remus (G)
“Eat, dear, it’ll help.” Remus still heard his grandmother’s voice whenever he indulged in chocolate.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Easier Done Than Said, Remus/Sirius (PG)
Sirius finds out that Remus is in love with him. How will he react? A Marauder fifth-year fic. Companion piece to Take a Chance on Me, Remus's POV.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Glimpses, Remus/Ron (PG)
The flush of the known universe is in him. ~ Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
Remus falls in love with Ron. Post-war AU.
On LJ | DW | AO3


Quidditch Players (Marcus & Oliver)

Attack, Marcus, Oliver (G)
A fist raised in anger?
On LJ | DW | AO3

Intense, Percy, Oliver, (Marcus) (G)
Marcus stares.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Handshake, Oliver, Marcus (G)
Quidditch match, just before the whistle sounds.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Studious, Oliver, Marcus (G)
Flint, never one to study much, goes to the library to check his Quidditch facts.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Finally, Oliver, Marcus (G)
Finally, a meeting. Not a confrontation, not a fight, just a meeting of two boys who might have more in common than they dared to think.
On LJ | DW | AO3

The First War (Remus & Severus & Evan Rosier)
A Chance Encounter, Remus, Severus, Evan Rosier (PG-13) (co-written with djmayhem_aubrey)
Remus is on a mission to get in contact with a group of werewolves; Severus and Evan are meeting for a drink before heading to a Death Eater meeting together. By chance, the three end up at the same pub. What should be an innocent exchange breeds suspicion on all parts.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Missed Opportunities, Remus, Severus, Evan Rosier (PG-13) (co-written with djmayhem_aubrey)
After Evan, Severus and Remus leave the pub, they each report to their respective meetings. Information is exchanged, speculation ensues, and old grudges abound.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Glimpses (Remus/Ron)
Written for rarepair_shorts (link to prompt table)

A Convenient Arrangement, Remus/Ron (PG)
On LJ | DW | AO3

Beyond Reasoning, Remus/Ron (PG-13)
On LJ | DW | AO3

Father, Remus/Ron (PG)
On LJ | DW | AO3

First Times, Remus/Ron (PG)
"Minor things can become moments of great revelation when encountered for the first time." (Margot Fonteyn)
On LJ | DW | AO3

Getting Better, Remus/Ron (PG)
Some things aren't easily left behind, some horrors stick with us. Forever.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Guardian, Remus/Ron (PG)
Ron takes an important step that brings Remus and him closer together. Against all odds.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Happy Birthday, Ron!, Remus/Ron (PG-13)
It's Ron's 30th birthday.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Here and Now, That's All that Counts, Remus/Ron (PG)
On LJ | DW | AO3

Innocent Question, Remus/Ron (PG)
Some lines need to be overstepped so we can move forward.
On LJ | DW | AO3

It's Only Family, Remus/Ron (PG)
On LJ | DW | AO3

Memories, Living and Breathing, Remus/Ron, Hermione (PG-13/R)
It's not easy to let go of the past, especially the good times.
On LJ | DW | AO3

More ..., Remus/Ron (R)
Remus gets more than one birthday surprise.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Worth a Thousand Words, Remus/Ron (PG)
Sometimes a smile is worth more than a thousand words.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Ficlets and Drabbles

Uncle is a Relative Term, Bill/Teddy (R)
Ever wondered how on earth Bill and Teddy ended up together? Here's the story Bill likes to tell.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Better Than Quidditch, Remus/Sirius (G)
Remus introduces Sirius to Aussie Rules Football.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Australia, Remus/Sirius (PG)
Remus and Sirius travel to Australia the Muggle way.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Hope is Red and Gold, Neville/Theo (PG)
On LJ | DW | AO3

Untitled, Ron/Hermione, Ron/Rosmerta (PG-13)
There are some things that Ron doesn't want Hermione to ever know.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Out of his Mind, Neville/Luna (PG)
"You know that feeling, too, don't you, Neville?"
On LJ | DW | AO3

Quidditch, Harry/Hermione (PG-13)
It was fascinating how much of an impact a single evening could have.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Goodbyes, Sirius, Regulus (PG-13)
Regulus comes to say goodbye to his brother.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Ingredients, Severus/Neville (PG-13)
Snape picks up some potions ingredients.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Untitled, Severus/Neville (PG, mpreg)
Neville refuses to take a break; he's not ill after all.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Merry Christmas, Percy/Oliver (PG)
What a shite Christmas, Percy thought.
On LJ | DW | AO3

How on Earth, Severus (PG)
How on earth had he ended up here, like this?
On LJ | DW | AO3

Snowflakes, Harry/Teddy (PG)
Teddy enjoys winter.
On LJ | DW | AO3

A Good Match, Hedwig/Hermes (G)
Just a bit of owl fluff.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Anywhere is Better Than Here, Severus, Lily (PG, domestic violence)
Severus tries to escape from home. Luckily, he's got someone who can help him with that, if only temporarily.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Cheeky, Charlie/Draco (PG)
Charlie greets an unexpected visitor to the Dragon Reserve.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Jumping Off Cliffs, Ron, Trio (PG)
Ron revisits an old memory.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Well Hidden, Remus/Severus, James (PG)
"Remus! Do you think I'm going to just leave you alone with Snivellus? James asked incredulously.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Sure, Harry, Ron (PG)
This situation would need some getting used to, Ron thought.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Not the First, Ron, Charlie, Remus/Ron, Remus/other Weasley (PG)
Hand-me-downs just seem to be the theme of Ron's life.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Hope, Always, Ron, Draco, Hermione (PG, angst, illness)
Hope springs eternal.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Poise, Percy/Draco (PG-13)
Whatever happens, Percy will never lose his poise. Or so he thought.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Success, Salazar, Godric (G)
They had come a long way. A year ago this spot had still been pristine wilderness.
On LJ | DW | AO3

An Incident in the Library, Remus, Severus, (PG) (Co-written with silveredaccents)
On LJ | DW | AO3

A Photograph, Remus (PG)
Remus is confronted with his past.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Circeron Harkiss, Ciceron Harkiss, Horace Slughorn (G)
Who was Ciceron Harkiss before he was famous?
On LJ | DW | AO3

What's in a Name?, Draco (G)
For the longest time, Draco thought that he'd been named after his grandfather.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Flight, Severus (G)
Missing scene: why Voldemort was able to fly in DH.
On LJ | DW | AO3

The Chosen One's Chosen, Harry/Neville (PG)
There weren't many situations like this. There shouldn't be.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Life's a Game of Chess, Ron/Pansy (G)
Zugzwang: Ron finds himself in a situation where he has to make a move, even if it might well put him at a disadvantage.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Why?, Severus, Neville (PG-13)
Nothing made sense any more. (Battle of Hogwarts ficlet, AU)
On LJ | DW | AO3

A Matter of Who You Know, Severus (G)
On LJ | DW | AO3

Paradise, Luna, Bellatrix Lestrange (PG)
Memories are a paradise from which you cannot be expelled.
On LJ | DW | AO3

A Duel, Remus, James (G) (co-written with rhye)
What the title says.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Victory, Oliver/someone (PG-13)
On LJ | DW | AO3

A New Home, the mermaid in the Prefects' bathroom (G)
The mermaid comes to terms with her new home.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Poor Draco!, Draco/Pansy (PG)
Draco has been badly hurt. Pansy is there to comfort him.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Dangerous Whispers, Draco (PG)
Draco sees something he should never have seen.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Life is Good, Horace Slughorn (G)
Horace enjoys life.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Freudian Slip, George/Pansy(/Fred) (NC-17)
Just a normal meeting between George and Pansy, although this one turns out just a little different.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Professor, Ron/Remus/Severus (PG)
Severus goes back to teach to Hogwarts. He gets some help to get back into the swing of things.
On LJ | DW | AO3

In Control, Percy/? (PG-13/R)
Percy likes to be in control. Almost always.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Some Magical Rose Garden, Neville/Draco (PG)
Some truths are simply too much.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Envy, Severus, Sirius (PG)
Severus Snape hates Sirius Black. He also envies him.
On LJ | DW | AO3

To err is human; to forgive, divine, Albus/Gellert (G/PG)
Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald meet each other again after forty-six years.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Right, Harry/Luna (G)
She always looked so right, no matter what she did.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Insults, Ron/Draco (PG)
Ron and Draco just can't stop insulting each other.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Breaching the Distance, Remus/Ron (PG)
"One kiss breaches the distance between friendship and love."
On LJ | DW | AO3

I Know …, Ron, Draco (PG-13, drug abuse)
When we least expect it, we find a person - the unlikeliest one of all - who knows what it's like.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Empty, Remus/Ron (PG)
The wolf left a hole in his soul, desperately wanting to be filled, but there was nothing.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Azkaban, Bellatrix Lestrange/Augustus Rookwood (PG-13)
"They don't need walls and water to keep the prisoners in, not when they're trapped inside their own heads, incapable of a single cheerful thought. Most go mad within weeks."
Most do,yes. Some however find themselves in paradise.
On LJ | DW | AO3

Keeping Up Appearances, Lucius/Narcissa, baby!Draco (PG)
The love she felt for her son diminished the hate she had for her husband.
On LJ | DW | AO3

You Raise Me Up, Harry/Luna (PG, post-war, mention of war injuries (nothing graphic though))
On LJ | DW | AO3

To Be Seen, Ginny/Pansy, Draco (G)
On LJ | DW | AO3

Bugger!, Ron/Pansy (PG)
On LJ | DW | AO3

Dangerous Minds, Tom Riddle/Moaning Myrtle (PG)
On LJ | DW | AO3

Ghosts … Dreams, (past) Harry/Ron, Ron/unspecified male character (PG-13, implied character death)
On LJ | DW | AO3

In the Autumn of His Years, Remus (PG)
It's time to let go ...
On LJ | DW | AO3

Relived Reality, Harry (implied Harry/Cedric) (PG, character death)
On LJ | DW | AO3

Those Were the Days, My Friend, Remus/James (PG)
Memories of happier, untroubled days drew Remus back to the library time and again.
On LJ | DW | AO3

fic: list of all fic, my writing

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