Dec 23, 2004 03:31
So I guess my last entry was never published. What a bummer... the secrets to the end of the rainbow exposed through the forest of the trees... not to mention details of my magnificent birthday party (12/8). So anywho, to sum it all up, it was a great time to everyone who was exposed. A hot pot restaurant - Nathan drinking a bit too much beer - ending the night with Robert cracking a bottle over his head to bemused onlookers - a great night. Pity I don't remember half of it.
So, the news as it is developing: I am scheduled to play for a party on Christmas day with my new band - Nathan Hall and the Chinks. It should be really cool. I met this great group of musicians that live in a sort of commune together with a rock studio set up in their living room. Their apartment has 3 bedrooms with 7 people living in it - paying 400 yuan (48 dollars) a month. These guys know how to rock and roll. I introduced them to Tool, the Butthole Surfers, Opeth, and Iron Maiden; so they are digging some new grooves as well. The thing is, they're really (technically) good at music, but they do dorky things like read from sheet music and listen to Guns and Roses. When I showed them Iron Maiden they told me that it sounded like AC/DC, which I believe is a carnal sin in modern Christianity.
The news of the future - TODAY: Robert and I are taking a trip down south, possibly hitting Laos and Vietnam. We were thinking about Cambodia as well but were turned off by the rampant foreigner slayings going on. I'm sure that if we were to slay a few dudes they would consider us the Alpha Cambodians, but Robert wasn't about to take chances.
It snowed last night and has been beautiful ever since. There was a massive MASSIVE snowball fight on campus today. The screams of war were deafening throughout the university as students clamored for rank in what was believed to be the LARGEST snowball fight in history. Man these guys don't screw around. The snowmen they make here are a little queer too... instead of rolling the snowball and accumulating more snow to make a bigger snowball they just shovel a great big pile, pat it down and add the face. Out of the 15 or so snowmen I saw today (which are called ShuiRen) half of them had a cigarette hanging out of their mouths. (One had a bottle of liquor).
I set up another 6 month contract with the school today, finalizing my decision to stay in the north a bit longer. Soon enough, however, after Nathan Hall and the Chinks decide to go separate ways, Robert and I will probably move down south. We'll do some research and figure out where to go from there.
Catch you all on the flipside;