Maybe I'm behind the times... maybe. But for the first time ever, I got some digital photos turned into prints at my local Sams Club today. The end result was... simply amazing.
Early on in the digital revolution, I had no faith in the results (uneducated I suppose).
After taking a CD with 190 photos on it, handing it to the girl and saying, "I want these printed... all with borders" and returning later to a 2.5" thick envelope filled with amazing prints, I've changed my mind.
Due to a screw-up on their part, I actually ended up with about $150 worth of FREE 8x10's as well, which again... I'm completely astounded by.
So besides the fact that I have the hottest girlfriend in the world, I also look forwards to our eventual filling of MANY photo albums and picture frames, filled to the brim with images from our lives... and I'm okay with the fact that they're digital because I see no difference between the prints I got back today vs. the 35mm prints I used to get from them.
I love her.. and the start of our photographic journey.
A newfound love of digital prints