Jan 19, 2003 21:43
nathan bradley is deeply sensual. His senses of touch, smell and sight are highly
refined. And as for his taste? It's impeccable. nathan is extremely discriminating -
when he sees the best, he won't ever settle for anything less. He would rather 'go
without' than go for a poor substitute. But then that's nathan all over. It really isn't fair to
call him 'stubborn as a mule.' Mules are adaptable, easy going creatures who are
always eager to please - or at least, they are by comparison to nathan bradley.
Unfortunately, for a person with such expensive preferences nathan is not a
millionaire ...or at least, not yet. You never know, it may just happen because nathans'
relationship with money is very interesting. He treats it with a curious mixture of
disdain and respect. He never lets it stand in his way, yet he will go out of his way to
get it when he needs to. nathan is a smart cookie and a shrewd operator. It is not
though, merely in the field of finance that nathan bradley displays intuitive wisdom.
nathan has an affinity with nature. He can make almost any plant flower and bear fruit.
This is just as well because nathan has a hearty appetite. He likes his food as indeed
he likes all his creature comforts. Fond though he is of all the above - and of all life's
little luxuries - there is one more source of endless fascination that nathan cannot
resist. nathan doesn't so much have a hearty appetite for sensual pleasure as a
ravenous hunger for it! Which is funny really because you wouldn't necessarily think it
to look at him. nathan likes to play it cool. nathan likes to pretend that nothing bothers
him, fazes him or excites him. Like all Taureans though, nathan bradley is a
powerhouse of passion, as those who are lucky enough to know him - or to love him -
will breathlessly testify.