Jul 15, 2012 23:36

Title : No place like home
Disclaimer : I don’t own anything. It’s just for fun.
Summary : After the events of ‘Blye K.’ Kensi’s point of view.
Takes place in season 3, episode 17
Rated K+ : A hint of Keeks (Kensi Blye and Marty Deeks)


Kensi emerged slowly from sleep, feeling slightly disorientated and fuzzy. As her eyes refused to open up, she focused on the sound of birds bickering nearby and buried her face further into the pillow. She knew something was off. The bed was too comfy to be hers. This simple thought should have waken her up and put her senses in alert. But instead, she lied down and let the sun warm her back, silently inviting her to go back to sleep. She dozed off and remained still for a few minutes. Then, with a heavy sigh, she forced herself to concentrate and tried to wash away the remnants of sleep. Her eyes fluttered open and she took sight of her surroundings, finally gathering the last pieces of her muddled memory.

She remembered the drive to the boatshed, the morning before. The light banter with her partner. Then, the laconic voice of Assistant Director Granger calling for her. At first, she was intrigued and annoyed by his frequent interviews about her trips to Hawaï and the investigation she was conducting on her father’s death. When he accused her of murder, she could feel her blood boiling in her veins and she refrained the urge to kick him in the ‘cul de sac’.

Then he nonchalantly put the file on the table, in front of her. And from this moment, it all went in a blur. This day had been full of mixed emotions, the result of so many years of frustration, anger and incomprehension. She learned the unsettling truth about her father’s team unit, found the one responsible for his death, and made up with her mother. She should have been satisfied. Then why couldn’t she get rid of this persistent knot in her stomach ? All these years building up walls around her. One single day and it all crumbled down, leaving her numb and lost.

Her sanity had been sorely tried and she nearly lost control. She would have killed Clairmont if she had not discovered her mother’s belongings, having pride of place in the closet. Kensi’s pictures and drawings lovingly kept in sight. Julia told her she never forgave herself for not telling her the truth about her father and not a single day went by without thinking about her. At that moment, Kensi had realised that her mother never ceased to love her. Kensi smiled as she recalled her conversation with her mother, the evening before. She had welcomed her without hesitation, while she had every reason to blame her. As she stood on the porch, Kensi had recalled Deeks’ words ‘I don’t think she wants an apology. I just think she wants her daughter back.’

Kensi closed her eyes and sighed. Deeks. Her thoughts drifted towards her partner. He had been with her every step of the way, keeping her sane, making her laugh when she was on the edge of breaking down. He opened up for her and showed her his support. She was not prepared for that.

She nearly burst into tears after the confrontation with Megan Stevens’ impostor. She went to hide in the public restroom and gathered all the strength she had not to collapse on the floor. She instinctively dialed Deeks’ cell phone number, remembering the promise she made. She was ready to let go right there, waiting for Deeks to come and save the ‘damsel in distress’, take her in his arms and make her laugh. But she didn’t. She focused on his voice, at the end of the receiver, surprised that he immediately acknoledged her call. She tried to answer him but couldn’t make a sound. Then, she realised that she was not ready to give up. She could not afford to break down, so close to the truth. After all these years searching for answers, she had finally the opportunity to avenge her father’s death. Stupid pride.

Callen and Sam were always making fun of Deeks. They kept telling Kensi they felt sorry for her having to put up with Shaggy all day long. The truth was, she was the weakest link of this partnership. She was impulsive, stubborn and had a terrible sense of humor, although she would never admit it in front of Deeks. He, on the other hand, had an easy temper and a charming personality (charming ? really ?). He remained calm under any circonstances. Of course, he was a Detective from L.A.P.D. and had not been trained to be a Federal agent. But he had the potential to become one. A very good one. He had earned everybody’s trust in the Agency, even Sam’s. No matter what… He was one of them. Life at NCIS would be so boring and insipid without him.

‘Damn it!’ she suddenly exclaimed. ‘What time is it?’ She rolled over and winced as she felt a sharp pain striking her side. She sat quickly on the edge of the bed and paused. She felt dizzy. Her wounds had woken up and she could feel everyone of them. Her body was screaming its dismay at her and she wished she was mainlining morphine. Or aspirin… Anything.

She reached the bedside table but didn’t find her cell phone. Her eyes scanned the room without success, as she tried to remember her last actions of the evening. Kensi and her mother stayed up most part of the night, talking. The day had been emotionally and physically exhausting and Kensi was so tired. Her mother had offered her to sleep in the spare room and she had gladly accepted it. Needless to say that the idea of going home alone and finding her apartment turned upside down had quickly made up her mind.

‘Hetty’s gonna kill me’ she whispered. She stood up, slowly, and grabbed the blanket that was resting on the armchair, nearby. She left the room and walked along the corridor. Her bare feet silently slided on the wooden floor and stopped at the top of the stairs. Her heartbeat sped up as she remembered her last fight with Clairmont, ending at the bottom of it, blood spread all over the wall. She shuddered at the thought and tightened up her grip on the blanket. She cautiously went down the staircase, her hand brushing against the banister.

She heard voices coming from the kitchen and she suddenly felt nervous. Before she could think twice about it, she heard a burst of laughter and tried to focus on the familiar voices. Her mum was having a rather animated chat with… Deeks?! Really? Why was he here? Did Hetty send him to pick her up? Oh, she was in serious trouble! She walked in their direction and was immediately greeted by her mother.

‘Hi, sweetie. Did you sleep well?’ She offered her daughter a tender smile. Kensi smiled back at her. ‘Yes, thank you.’ Then, she turned her attention on Deeks, who was staring at her intensely. He was smiling and acting casually but his eyes were all over her and Kensi could feel the blood rising in her cheeks. Her hair was a mess, falling on her shoulders. She was wearing one of her mum’s nightdress. Not the old fashioned one. Her mother had taste, that was for sure. It was a beautiful low-cut dress, white and very simple. But since Kensi was taller than her mother, the nightdress revealed a lot more skin than intended to.

‘What’s up, partner?’ Deeks said, his voice deep and warm. Kensi cleared her throat and adjusted the blanket on her shoulders. ‘What are you doing here?’
‘So much of a hello!’ Deeks replied, pretending to be hurt. Kensi interrupted him. ‘What time is it? Did Hetty send you? I can’t find my phone… I… I remember putting it on the night table… but…’ Oh perfect, now she was babbling like a fifteen years old girl called to the Principal’s office. She was going soft. And the only people that could have that effect on her were standing right in front of her.

‘Easy Fern, don’t freak out on me.’
‘Fern?’ Julia asked.
‘Oh, don’t ask please!’ said Kensi, exasperated. She glanced at her partner and saw him smile mischievously. Her fist went in violent contact with his arm and Deeks nearly lost his balance. If she would have put a little more strength in it, he would have fallen from the stool.
‘Really?! Are you always that cheeky in the morning?’ Looking back at Julia, he added ‘Don’t worry, I’m fine. I’m getting used to it. And by the way…’ He winked ‘Girls punch boys they like.’ Kensi sighed and rolled her eyes ‘What are you? Eight?’

‘I’m afraid I have to plead guilty, honey’ explained her mother ‘You seemed so tired last night. I went to check on you this morning and you were soundly asleep. I figured you could use some extra sleep. Then your phone rang and I picked it up, not wanting to wake you up. Marty was worried sick about you.’

What was wrong with the last sentence? Few words and yet, very disturbing. Did she call him Marty ? In retrospect, Kensi realised that Deeks and her mother had plenty of time to get to know eachother. First, on their way to the boatshed, then Deeks drove her back home. And finally, this morning. They seemed quite at ease with eachother, sharing breakfast and chatting happily. Her mother had obviously fallen under his spell. Like everyone. Kensi was certainly not blaming her for that.

Now, about the other disturbing fact… Was Deeks really worried about her? She should have been exasperated. After all, she was a tough and proud girl who didn’t need protection. To be honest, she was flattered. And she was beginning to like the idea of being pampered. Well, not that she would admit it in font of the band. But Deeks had seen right through her disguise and she was not afraid anymore to reveal herself to him when they were alone.

She glanced at him and bit her bottom lip as she saw him blushing hard. ‘Well… I was not worried sick about y… I mean yes, I was worried, you know… It was nine past ten and hum… But…’ He cleared his throat and fidgeted in his seat. ‘Anyway, Julia invited me for breakfast. I could not refuse such a nice offer.’
‘And Hetty was kind enough to grant you that favor?’ She asked, suspicious.
‘Yes, she was.’ Deeks paused and looked at her with that goofy smile on his face. Kensi maintained eye contact with him and patiently waited for a better explanation.
‘Ok, I may have skipped the breakfast part. I told her that I would pick you up.’
Kensi sighed ‘I’m so screwed.’ She turned on her heels ‘I’ll be ready in five.’

Before she could take another step, Deeks’ hand grabbed her arm. ‘Kens, relax’ he whispered. ‘Take a seat and enjoy breakfast.’ He tightened his hold on her, refusing to let her go. Kensi looked up and instantly dove into his blue eyes. ‘Deeks…’ she pleaded. They fell silent, unable to look away from eachother. Then Deeks spoke again. ‘No emergency. Just paperwork waiting for us. You’ve been shot and beaten yesterday. Forget about Hetty, forget about what she wants. Please, sit down.’

Her breath caught in her throat as she recalled their conversation in the garage. ‘Forget what they want, I’m talking about us’. His honesty and genuine concern had thrown her off balance. She had tried so hard to hold back her tears, so close to break down.

She tried to ignore the knot in her throat as the implication of his words sank in. ‘Alright’ she whispered. Deeks finally let go of her arm and she sat down next to him. She peeked at her mother, while she was pouring orange juice in her glass and shared a look with her. She had questionned her on Deeks, the evening before, teasing her about his charming personality and their [relationship] partnership. Was it that obvious? Was she that transparent? She tried to smile but instead, stared down at her glass.

‘I figured you could use one of these’ Deeks said, putting a tube of aspirin on the table. Kensi sighed ‘Oh, thank god.’ She hastily opened the box and threw two pills in her drink.
‘So, how’s the arm?’ Deeks asked.
‘Fine’ Kensi replied.
‘And the torso?’
‘I’m fine.’ She looked up and smiled ‘I’m… good. Really.’
Deeks smiled back and nodded.
‘So, I was thinking… maybe we could make a stop at the beach on our way back to work, so you know…’
‘Don’t even think about it, Deeks. No surfing today. We’re already late.’
‘Come on, we’ll blame it on traffic. We’re in L.A. after all. They won’t give us a second look.’
‘No way. I thought you would have learned your lesson after Hetty hacked your webcam.’
‘I know she has ears and eyes everywhere in ops, but she can’t always be at our back.’
‘She can force Eric to track our cell phones… And you know how scared he is of Hetty.’ She added.
‘you two seem to have a rather nasty and ruthless boss’ commented Julia.
‘She’s one hell of a woman’ Deeks approuved. ‘That’s why she excels at her job. She keeps the ship afloat. But she’s also very kind and generous. If it was not for her, I wouldn’t be working for NCIS right now.’

Julia frowned, intrigued. She crossed her arms and leaned on the table, facing Deeks.
‘Do you like working for NCIS? Or do you intend to go back to the Police Department?’
Kensi hold her breath, waiting for Deeks to answer.
‘Well, becoming a cop represented everything to me… I’ve worked hard to achieve that goal and earn the badge.’ He paused, then smiled. ‘I’m a hopeless sentimental. I kind of like to see the word Detective attached to my name.’

He glanced briefly at Kensi before turning his attention back to her mother.
‘But to be honest, I think NCIS is where I belong, now. I used to work undercover, alone. I’ve pissed off my fair share of shields in the process. NCIS is not any Federal agency. There is a code of honor among the personnel… former marines and SEALs. I have friends there… and a family.’

Kensi couldn’t take her eyes off of her partner. Her mother had innocently asked the question that she always dreaded to ask him. Kensi could feel the tension leaving her body. She tried, but failed, to suppress the wide grin that was forming on her face.

Forcing herself to look away from him, she focused on the chain around her mother’s neck and the ring that she knew belonged to her father. As if reading her mind, Julia reached for the ring and played with it, lost in her thoughts.
‘You are a good man, Detective’ she emphasized the last word. ‘And I’m sure you will make a good NCIS agent, one day. I’ve spent the most part of my life being dictated by the marines’ code of conduct. I recognize a marine when I see one.’ She smiled. ‘Welcome in the family, Marty.’

The End.

ncis kensi deeks fanfiction

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