Late night

Sep 20, 2008 05:47

So I sit here randomly surfing the web, unable to sleep but content about it. My vision is blurry half because of my lack of blinking half because of my contacts begging to be replaced (and I will so relax). Anyone ever catch themselves having too many "real" thoughts? Deep meaningful discussions taking place solely within your head, that would have meant something to someone if only they were there to hear it. Well I've had quite a few of those lately and insomnia has crept back into my life. Oh who am i kidding it's never left, but anyway I felt the need to vent some of these perplexities in my long deceased livejournal.

Politics have found a way into my previously apolitical lifestyle and through the help of political satirists and comics I've come to understand and even form my own educated stance on the matter. But to stick to the issues and not judge their affiliations lets take a look at some of the stances on what appear to me as key issues of some of these political figures.

Mccains running mate Sarah Palin a lowly governor from a backwoods suburban township in Alaska maintains a strict stance against pro-choice legislature. To define the issue of pro choice, it is the political and ethical view that a woman should have complete control over her fertility and pregnancy. Mainstream media has allowed this idea to be further scrutinized and segmented into several different fields including incest and rape abortions which would be made seem more legitimate than the average unwanted pregnancy abortion. Sarah palin opposes abortion in any shape or form based on her spiritual beliefs. To pass legislature based on your personal religious beliefs in my mind is a clear violation of the separation of church and state as well as a blatant disservice for the multi religious crowd you supposedly represent and were elected by.

Sarah is Christian by faith and practice which would make one understand her stance on protecting the sanctity of life, however there is footage of her firing rifles from a helicopter at wolves in her home state. Does it not seem hypocritical to choose to end one living beings life, and then to restrict another human beings right to do the same?

Aside from Mccain and Palin I'd just like to say something about living in America and ask a question to anyone who might be reading this. Do you feel embarrassed by living here? I do and I'll tell you why, It's because of how our country is portrayed. And accurately so I might add, we come off as ignorant poorly educated, ethnocentric obese inactive destructive and dangerous christian (yes christian) fundamentalists. All of which embarrass me because anyone reading this without seeing or knowing me could assume any or all of those characteristics describe me simply because of where I live. Some people call this stereotyping or being judgmental and it is, but when you look around you and really take a step back and look you'd see what they see and feel the same way that I do. I am not embarrassed to live here as much as I am embarrassed by the rest of the people who do, and the fact that their voice is far larger and louder than mine and echoes in churches synagogues and temples.

I suppose my distaste for organized religion would leave most people classifying me as atheist, but I like to think of myself as a realist. I make judgments and form intelligent decisions based on my perception of my environment and life experiences. I don't deny things I have never experienced as being true I just simply cannot formulate a reasonable response to them being fact or fiction based on the criteria of my own personal life experiences. If that makes me atheist than by ease of classification sort me in there, but in the end I have no qualms with people who believe god to be real. What bothers me is the people who know that he is.

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