My comment to an entry 'I think I've wasted 16 weeks of my life' by cornerofmadness

Dec 01, 2019 12:44

It's not good here either, in most of the U.S.A. the gop has deliberately slashed education funding because it's so easy to manipulate ignorant citizens .

Some think that charter schools are better, it turns out that in most cases they're no better and often worse .

My son (now 41 YO) went through the Pasadena, Ca. education system from age 8 to high school graduation, during this time we had a less than 50 % H.S. graduation rate and very poor literacy .

From his first day in grade school (L.A.U.S.D. where we luckily had a great teaching staff) I was right behind him in spite of the fact that I'm not well educated .

I knew his success in life depended on getting a good education so I worked with every teacher and administrator I could and buffaloed or bullied the rest, he was a 4.0 GPA student and graduated with honors out of a class that only graduated 45 % .


Society depends on people like you who refuse to accept less .

I now take in inner city Foster boys and try hard to teach them the value of a good education and a wide world view .

What you and all other educators do is back up what I try to impart .

The most common thing they tell me is : you're the only adult who speaks to us honestly .

They usually also mention I'm the only white person that treats them like they matter, a sad thing indeed .

Keep up the good works please .


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