Apr 21, 2005 01:02
ok so, I'm in wal-mart and I promised myself that I would steal something, right. I rarely steal, mostly because I don't want to get caught, but because it was Wal-mart I just had to.
So anyway, we're walking through the produce section and I see a sign that says 7 dollars a pound, and in the tray above it there's a bunch of these little yellow peppers. After the initial shock of seeing something for 7 dollars a pound, I figured what the hell I may as see what the fuss was about. So I snuck one in my pocket. They weren't marked by the way, there was no sign at all that said what they were, I swear.
So we come back to Heather's parents house and I cut it up and tried a little piece. That may have been one of the biggest mistakes of my life. It still kind of hurts, and it really hurts in my nose but I'll explain that in a second.
Needless to say after a quick google search I found out that I had in fact chewed on no other than the infamous Habanero.
I figured that's what I get for stealing.
...also I went through a 4-20 without smoking weed... oh well maybe the next one. ;-)
(The reason my nose hurts is because I picked it while there was still some Habanero juice on my fingures... yeah not smart, I know...)