One dead crab, five good grades, and a lot of paranoia!

May 12, 2005 10:31

     Last night my second crab died. I guess you guys wouldn't know anything about him, but his name is "EH?". Yes, I decided to name him after a Canadian Stereotype. For some unknown reason, he decided to crawl out of his shell and run around naked in the tank. I figured he must have outgrown the shell, so I went to Hobby Lobby to buy him a new one. By the time I got back, he was dying. Oh well....I guess I'm Just no good with pets. Zee, my first hermit crab, is still alive and well.

I just got the grades back from my last semester. They are as follows

Developmental Psychology..........A

I guess I didn't make my goal of all A's, but I'm satisfied.

Last night was very creepy. I was sitting in the computer room playing a video game when all of the sudden I heard the TV turn on. I figured that my mom was back from the hospital, so I didn't really pay much attention to it. But when I turned the volume up on my game, I heard somebody leave the house and slam the door. When I went out there my mom's car wasn't in the driveway and nobody was around. I have no clue who was in my house, but I'm going to start locking the doors when I am home alone.

Oh, just one more thing I'd like to include in this update. Apparently the ex Girlfriend that I dated for a year or so has moved into the apartments down the street from me. This should be................interesting.
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