Something I've been really grappling with over the past few years is that as post-industrialists, we share a worldview unlike any that humans on our planet have held throughout history. Unlike the hunter, farmer, gatherers that make up the majority of our planet's time-line, our worldview is dominated by the scientific method and a mechanistic/industrial approach to life. We know the science behind the weather. We have the ability to plant and grow at anytime of year due to modern heating and greenhouse technology. We understand personality theory so we can understand people and we've got a systematic theology to our religion that explains away the nuance and mystery of problematic beliefs such as Trinity, Virgin Birth, and Angels.
Thus, whether we like it or not, our interactions with each other, with our work, and with our spirituality have in some ways been reduced to a modern, mechanical thing- ordered, sound, and much less messy than the craziness of centuries before. [...]
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